Tuesday, May 29, 2018


I dont think Roseanne is funny. I never thought Roseanne was funny. I never watched her old show cuz it wasnt funny to me. I certainly never watched her new show. And now I cant watch it.

I dont know what is wrong with a person who thinks its ok to tweet what she tweeted. Who thinks that tweet is funny? Who thinks that consequences will not come for someone who compares another human being to an ape in public? Who thinks this is a freedom of speech issue? Look, idiot who expresses outrage over the cancellation of Roseanne's show, calling another human an ape is not normal. You may talk like that at the whites only bar you hang out in, but you wouldnt put that out on a national stage. Would you?

You Trump voters need to step back. If THIS is the kind of "comedy" you want you really need to examine your perception. Calling another person an ape or another woman a man with ape balls is not funny. You Trumpers are in a hole right now. You're digging it yourselves. To admit hey I am getting a bit deep in here and may not be able to crawl out is not weakness. It's growth and its also smart. One of these days your dreams of pissing off liberals will come crashing down as you realize yes you pissed off liberals but you are also now known as a deplorable racist creep.

Roseanne is gone. I dont feel sorry for the cast as none of them should have signed on anyway but I do feel sorry for you Trumpers who immediately assume this IS a free speech issue. It's not. Nobody is going to prison here. Nobody is being silenced. Roseanne can call more people apes ,if she wishes, without any legal actions being taken against her.

Colin Kaepernick is blacklisted by the NFL because he kneels to protest police brutality and y'all support that. Get that son of a bitch off the field I think is what the Grifter in Chief hollered at a rally. Well now its get that racist off the TV.

Bye bye Roseanne. It affects my life not in the least. But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

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