Monday, May 28, 2018
Memorial Day!
Thanks for your service all of you veterans.
Now again I have to apologize on behalf of an entire generation of self centered asswipes called Baby Boomers.
My Dad spent the "worst four years of my life" in the military during World War II fending off Nazis and freeing people from Hitler. Dad wasnt a Medal of Honor winner or anything like that, he was just one of millions of young people who did what they had to do. He enlisted in the Army after being rejected by the Marines for flat feet or some such shit, and he did what he was told. Trudging across Europe in his 20's cannot have been what he wanted out of his life but he did it.
When that generation came back home from that horrific time, they sired a generation of babies called Boomers. Boomers (1946-1965) famously rebelled and all grew long hair and protested a war and did drugs and blew shit up. Uh no, some did, but a substantial number were just regular goofballs who voted for Nixon and Reagan and didnt do anything except forward what that so called Greatest Generation believed in. White Supremacy, male dominance, and fighting wars whenever the government said to.
My Dad wasnt one of those Greatest Generation go alongs. He went along as best he could, but he never ever became a Republican and he hated Nixon back when Nixon was just a small town crook who wandered onto a Republican presidential ticket. He opposed the war in Vietnam, and was experienced enough to realize that war was a horror. My Dad served because he felt it his duty to stop fascism wherever it happened and to hell with his own comfort.
IF Dad was still alive to see this country now I'm not sure he'd be able to take it. The generation of self indulgent snowflakes I belong to elected an actual authoritarian bird brain who apologizes for torch carrying nerdish Nazis. A shitheel who thinks what he says goes and is enabled by a Congress full of Quislings. A liar who makes shit up and basks in the adoration of low IQ mercenaries. A traitor who was put into office by the efforts of a dictatorial thug. A sociopath who cannot even tell when he lies any longer.
Like I said, the Greatest Generation was great at stopping fascism, not so great at giving equal rights to minorities and women. My generation isnt great at anything. In fact, my generation wants to return to the pre-war days when you knew who was in charge. Well at least 53% of over 50's do (check the voting results). Its up to the young people to save this generation from itself. For being the most educated generation in history, we sure are stupid.
Sorry, Dad. And Mom too for that matter. The Nazis are winning.
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