Thursday, February 15, 2018

Not Again!

Yeah its all you kids fault for not being meddling enough. Trump the moral leper took time off from watching Fox News and its moral creeps to tweet out a blame game tweet blaming the kids for not ratting out a troubled teen. For chrissakes, if every troubled teen was turned in to the cops, well there'd still be full high schools cuz the cops wouldnt do a damn thing once they found out the troubled teen was white.

Fuck all you complicit Congressional cowards who see this mass murder of America's children on a weekly basis and do nothing except shout out your worthless thoughts and prayers while at the same time counting your NRA blood money. Mitch McConnell is a moral midget who deserves whatever hell brings him and Paul Ryan, a cold hearted inhuman monster who not only conspires with the NRA to slaughter America's young but cannot wait to starve the elderly into an early grave also deserves the worst the Earth can bring to him.

If this constant destruction of innocent children by limp dicked losers who are allowed easy access to assault rifles by the likes of Trump and his puppet masters in both Russia and Congress doesnt bother you, no infuriate you, you belong in a cage like the animal you are.

Trump and his handlers are bad enough when they are cutting health care or giving money to their rich sociopathic donors or cutting food stamps while putting together a Russian type military parade or looting the United States Treasury or beating women or lying on a daily basis or paying off porn stars or threatening nuclear war on a pissant nation or groping his own daughter or calling people juvenile names or repealing everything the black president did, BUT TO REPEAL OBAMA ERA LAWS THAT MADE IT HARDER FOR THE NIKOLAS CRUZ'S OF THE WORLD, THE MENTALLY ILL, TO OBTAIN FUCKING ASSAULT RIFLES IS A SIN. Its a sin against humanity and Im not talking about the bullshit religious idea of sin, but the basic sin of being a cold blooded prick with no shame and no concern for anyone but yourself.

I am still beside myself over this lack of basic decency shown by Congressional whores who value NRA money over lives of children. And they do, oh they do. These cowards are the worst of this society. The absolute slags of America. These clowns you vote for are desrving of nothing but your scorn and ridicule. Respect is earned and these untouchables deserve none.

Next Town Hall, show them what you have. Compassion for kids, and absolute disgust for them. They deserve nothing more.

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