Saturday, February 24, 2018

Crazy People Action Committee!

It's the annual gathering of neo-fascists, dummies and closet cases in DC this week when CPAC holds their annual screechfest. In the past we might get the sight of El Rushbo dressed like and Eastern European mobster hopping up and down as nerdboys ejaculated red white and blue all over each other.

But this year, in the wake of another NRA sponsored slaughter of young people, CPAC is just another swarm of soulless miscreants bent on worshiping their cult leader and calling dead and wounded students snowflakes.

Forget about the day that domestic terrorist Wayne LaPierre ranted and raved about gun issues like the EPA and socialism. Forget about human praying mantis Dana Loesch telling the fawning geeks that CNN loves mass murder and treasures crying white mothers. Both these inhuman heartless nutjobs deserve scorn and shame. Yes I know they have none.

Friday featured the appearance of Cult Leader In Chief Donald F Trump. The Kool Aid Advocate in Chief played with his hair, carried on like the drunk at the end of the bar about arming your history teacher, building walls, how clean coal gets all polished with Dawn or something, MS13, the national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, his jacking off to the 2nd Amendment, DACA, letting the dead carcass of Billy Graham lay in state, his greatness and then the coup de grace, got these creeps to boo John McCain because ya know he prefers guys who dont get captured or dont get brain cancer. And yes he got the gaggle of limp dicks to chant Lock Her Up the same day Trumps flipper, Paul Manafort, is facing a life sentence in jail (he's 70 years old folks)if he doesnt flip on the Combover In Chief.

CPAC is usually the annual gathering of the biggest nuts in American society but with the Human Slime in Chief the nuts have become screwballs and loudmouthed maniacs.

Today we had speakers call former RNC chairman Michael Steele a token black guy, another speaker got the crowd to boo immigrants pretty much showing what these white supremacists think America is, and booed conservative speaker Mona Charen who called out Marie La Pens anti-semiticism showing these fucksticks are looking for their own Beer Hall Putsch, most likely when they all gather at the local all men tavern.

But finally, to be provincial, Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts (Trust Fund Baby-Ne) spoke today and hollered for off duty cops to be patrolling schools. Ricketts also glad handed the NRA to hold their annual Domestic Terrorism Convention in Nebraska because we all hunt and love guns and constitutional rights here in the heartland. Ricketts is of course full of shit and couldnt do a fucking thing without buying it himself. Ricketts also opposes background checks at gun shows as it interferes with "privacy". He wants to end Title IX so he can end abortion while at the same time paid a million dollars of his Daddy's to reconstitute the death penalty in this state. Ricketts is truly as bad a Governor as exists in this nation now that Brownback is gone from Kansas.

This whole CPAC screechfest was entertaining as a kind of mental case gathering of berserk whackjobs. But now that this nation shot itself right in the noggin in 2016, its a Nuremberg Rally for American Nazis. They arent even hiding it any longer.

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