Friday, October 27, 2017

More Kneeling And Mediocre TV!

1) Not only are those two "patriots" wrong about their choice of cult leaders they are also wrong about the football team they choose to support. Who gives a shit what Browns fans think? Who gives a shit what Browns fans think about politics either? Trump cultist, strike one, Browns fan, strike two, wearing bucket hats, steerike three. Hey nice going Indians by the way.

The owner of the Houston Texans, one Bob McNair, a rich asshole who gave a million dollars so his buddy. The Groper In Chief, could have a nice inaugural in front of dozens of fans, said that in regards to NFL players kneeling during a fucking song, “We can’t have the inmates running the prison". What? Ok Warden Norton whatever you say.

A privileged prick like McNair making that statement tells me all I need to know about Mister McNair. He sees himself as a modern day Edwin Epps keepin his slaves players under control. Guys like McNair, who see themselves and all their money and power as the arbiters of all that is holy and patriotic, will never ever understand and nobody should expect them to. Now McNair non apologized for his Trumpian statement equating all kneeling athletes with criminals with the proverbial "if I offended anyone I apologize" shit so popular nowadays. You see, its YOUR fault for being offended you pantywaists.

Meanwhile in Oklahoma, Betty Shelby, you remember her, she's that "hero" first responder cop who shot an unarmed black man named Terence Crutcher. Crutcher, who had the gall to put his hands up obviously reaching for a gun in the clouds, was killed by Betty Shelby and oh yeah, it was on tape. Yet an Oklahoma jury saw fit to cover their eyes and acquit the Oklahoma shooter of manslaughter in the manslaughter of Terence Crutcher. NOw Shelby is back. And so is a judge who so helpfully ordered the "smear" on Betty Shelby's record, you know, the "smear" of killing a man with his hands up, sealed from view. So any background check on Betty Shelby you know, like Jefferson Sessions might run when Trump hires her as the head of the FBI or something, wont show up. Oh yeah, Betty Shelby, no record, no arrests, no trials, she's just one helluva cop. Yer hired.

So with a overseer like McNair, and a modern day Rainey and Price both free to spew their white privilege crap and shooting unarmed black men, if you still dont understand the kneeling, well quite frankly go fuck yourself.

2) I may be one of the few who think Stranger Things is one of the most over talked about shows on TV, but it really is. I watched it, and liked the kids in it as actors, and liked the guy playing the cop, and Matthew Modine, but for the love of Heathers why Winona Ryder is even employable at this point is beyond me. The scenery chewing alone is enough to make me long for the days of The Crucible, the last thing she was decent in. Thanks Daniel Day Lewis for the making people better. But Stranger Things is like a fading memory. I honestly cant tell you what the hell its even about. I have forgotten and though some of that may be my rapidly advancing Trump dementia, the rest is on them. Oh eventually I'll watch it for the kids, but Im in no hurry. Enjoy, everyone else.

3) Today is the birthday of Lee Greenwood, the only man alive who can make a song worse than that jingositic God Bless America. God Bless The USA is a truly dreadful song. It was played at a football game I attended years ago, and the Lee Greenwood had been given more cash to sing it in person. I didnt stand then, I didnt put my hand over my heart, I didnt remove my hat just as I would never do for the almost as dreadful God Bless America. Now today the Idiot In Chief tweeted out Birthday wishes to the wrong Lee Greenwood and that surprises nobody, so I too wish a Happy Birthday to Lee Greenwood, the wrong one by the way, because thats what I do. Just make sure that Happy Birthday is the only song we have to hear.

4) Speaking of God Bless America, in inning 7 of World Series Game 1, the announcer told fans to rise and remove your hats for the singing of this commercial song. Uhhhh, no. Now me as a straight white old male, THAT would be my kneeling moment.

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