Sunday, October 29, 2017

Flipping Off Drumpf!

According to all sources, Monday is the day the dismantling of this corrupt, putrid South Vietnamese American administration will begin when Jared Kushner someone will be the first indicted by a grand jury led by Bob Mueller. All rock slides begin with a single rock and if the first rock happens to be a son in law campaign manager person who the Traitor in Chief will then deny knowing so be it.

Meanwhile over at Pravda state run Fox News the panic has set in. Sean Hannity has flipped his flat head by reaching for the stars and screaming uranium and going all Jan Brady by hollering Hillary Hillary Hillary. The morning show that helps get mush brains in pure mush form , Fox and Friends, has been setting the agenda for the Lazyass in Chief and setting off the racists internet trolls by running Tom Steyers impeachment ad.Last night on her weekly nervous breakdown, Robert Durst failure, Judge Jeanine Pirro went full rabid dog by calling for Hillary Hillary Hillary to be "locked up". For what? Who knows, I didnt listen because I already have two barking dogs driving me crazy.

Pravda State run Fox News is in full defense mode defending their Puppet In Chief by diverting attention from Trump's collusion with a foreign entity to win an election to a long debunked "story" about Hillary Hillary Hillary and Russian uranium. How ironic the side that bellows Fake News everytime something doesnt look good for the Cult Leader In Chief, now relies on Fake News to attempt to save his bloated orange ass.

This weekend is also rumored to be the weekend that the Republican thumb breakers try and slander Mueller into quitting. Firing Mueller, Trumps long held dream, to fire Mueller, would be political suicide, at least I think so, Trump IS a fucking zombie after all, thus the evil doers, the rest of the Republican robber barons who want tax cuts for billionaires, call for the one man standing between them and an oligarchy, Bob Mueller, to resign. Not a chance, assholes.

The call to action is clear. Its been almost a year since Trump lost the election yet somehow was installed as the Great Leader thanks to a bunch of cheese eaters, deer hunters and lake dwellers in three states. Oh yeah, that and an archaic system of elitism, a voter suppression effort, a Russian hacking scandal and plain old racist, sexist, homophobic shitheads who crawled out from under the rocks they live under with a bad case of economic anxiety. We mustnt fall asleep, become apathetic, give up in any way.

Like that hero pictured above. Give the finger 24/7 to this thieving administration of crooks, white supremacists, incompetent stooges and infiltrators bent on destroying you and me. Oh the state run TV addicts will never ever understand whats going on because brainwashing knows no cure, but the rest of us do.

The only thing worse than that bicycling hero for that motorcade is us. Or rain that ruins the Duffer In Chiefs golf game. Then they have to find him something to do. Like tweet about Broadway. Or getting into fights with war widows. Oh to hell with it. Just give the motherfucker the finger.

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