Monday, September 11, 2017

More Thinking!

1) Charlie Rose interviewed a nationalist white supremacist last night on 60 Minutes like he was sort of political wise man and not the fringe neo Nazi he is. Steve Bannon is quite simply the obnoxious drunk who is one step ahead of everyone else at the table and when he's not he simply blows the smarter person off by calling them a leftist or a commie or biased. You can allow that to happen, Charlie, or you can punch back and call Bannon what he is. Rose didnt do that and didnt even respond to the age old tactic of 'woe is me call me an anti-semite or a bigot if you wish" ok fine you are anti semitic bigot.

Bannon bloviated on and on about going to war for a Presidential puppet of a Russian dictator, about "limousine liberals", the irrelevancy of Nazis and white supremacists, and controlling the borders like we did in the 19th century. We heard nothing from Rose. Nothing when the proselytizing know it all Bannon denied Russian collusion, nothing about the hypocrisy of "limousine liberals" spewing forth from the loud mouth of a former Goldman Sachs executive, nothing about the "irrelevant" white nationalists who have made Bannon who he is by having Breitbart read to them, and asking how we controlled borders in the 19th century by letting white Europeans in willy nilly and bring Africans in against their will. Bannon is full of shit except if he can bring ratings to 60 Minutes by catering to his 19th century views.

2) No other country on earth would allow rebels who failed miserably in an attempt to overthrow a government to put up statues and monuments honoring a band of traitors. No other country on earth would allow monuments to people intent on owning human beings as slaves. None. Yet here we are, in 2017, still arguing with a bunch of slavery apologists over their stupid "heritage". Sorry dog, your "heritage" of genocide and lynchings and oppression and murder and exploitation of an entire race of humans doesnt go anywhere. Fuck your heritage. There are no statues of Goebbels or Goering in Germany because some governments understand not all history is "heritage". But not ours. When you get a loudmouth goon from Queens and elect him with the help of these genocide advocates your "heritage" is safe. Never in my life have I seen more nitwits "proud" of being traitors. Whether its the Traitor in Chief or Bubba from the gas station the simple fact is you support traitors. Not to mention losers. Christ if you want to supports losers just become a Atlanta Falcons fan.

3) A local incident occurred earlier in a small town in Iowa called Creston in which 5 white dimbulbs posed in a cornfield wearing white hoods, carrying guns and holding a Confederate flag.. The five have been thrown off the football team and suspended from school. One of the families was horrified and publicly apologized. Yet it seems this blatant act of youthful stupidity at best, and outright racism and threats at worst, has actually caused "debate". There is talk of lawsuits. Yeah, lawsuits. Lawsuits against the school by families of the local Klan Kids who are horrified not by their darling little Nazis actions, but by their tough little fascist babies being thrown off the football team.

Oh yeah. Did I mention their quarterback is black? This is now acceptable behavior in America. It's just free speech and "economic anxiety". Right? Watch out in Creston for the Dodge Challengers.

4) I own a black T shirt that simply says "Resist". Being a friendly sort who regularly is verbally engaged by people wanting to talk, usually about the sports teams I am putting forth on t shirts and ball caps. (Yes I am an elderly white man who dresses like a 15 year old) The Resist T shirt has brought two reaction. A local hotel clerk in Colorado simply said to me "I hate that guy too" and a gas station rest room companion in Nebraska simply said "cool shirt". So theres hope. Keep resisting and dont be afraid to show it. It not that bad to let others know you cannot assume that because I am a white male, have plenty of gray hair, and look like a Biker for Trump, that you can talk all conservative to me without any blowback. It wont happen. I wont be obnoxious about my disdain for the Louse in Chief, but I wont nod my head and try to get away from your bullshit either. Lets all be that way and back it up by voting these assholes out in 2018. Wearing a t shirt and staying home wont work. Get involved. Stand up for yourself. Thank you.

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