Sunday, September 10, 2017

Drinking And Thinking!

1) While driving the rental SUV around the mountains trying to not drive off the freakin road and avoiding helmetless bikers on our latest road trip thru Kansas and Colorado the Sirius XM began to hyperventilate about the death of Walter Becker, a founding member of Steely Dan at the age of 67. Now 67 is too goddamn close to me for comfort but despite my thoughts of my gradually diminishing mortality I really thought backwards. In 1972 I was running around the hood in Omaha (yeah we have one) at 5 in the morning 7 days a week delivering newspapers. I, of course, was totally oblivious to the "danger" I was in. But what I remember about driving around at that time of day was listening to the AM radio and hearing this for the first time.. Do It Again was one of those WOW, what is this music moments for me. This song was unlike anything I'd ever heard. No it didnt change my life or anything but it made me realize there was a new alternative for rock music and the insipid lyrics of the time (though in retrospect the lyrics of 1972 were freakin Shakespeare compared to the idiocy of 1980s hair metal). Walter Becker joins the long list of rockers who have gone away. Rest in peace man. You were one of the great ones.

PS--Hey Nineteen came out when I was in my early 20s and made me realize what an old soul I really was. The lyrics of that song by a couple of guys in their late 20s spoke to me. Yeah I really didn't want to know anybody who didnt know who Aretha Franklin was either. Still don't.

2) This hurricane epidemic makes me crazy. I saw a tweet about I cant hear you deny climate change over this loud noise these hurricanes are making. Denying this scientific fact is like denying a round earth or that Trump is a narcissistic creep any longer. I have no time for you. So why does the "fake News media" keep putting these climate change deniers on the air with equality? These people are either stupid or so in bed with the corporate money changers that what happens after they are dead and buried doesn't matter, which makes them even more dangerous than the ignorant. To deny this phenomenon is horribly irresponsible. When some well off white man who lives in a gated community told me that this not normal heat wave and the hurricane influx was not climate change but "summer" and "hurricane season" I had to walk away shakin my damn head. Of course to upset this man's comfortableness would be the greatest sin of all. So the "fake news" should stop this false equivalency of climate change scientists and self absorbed deniers before that "fake news" idiocy comes around to include me.

3) Both of my Senators voted against hurricane relief for victims of Harvey, Two of 17 Republican opportunists appealing to people not affected by hurricanes. If tornadoes suddenly wiped out half of the Midwest and displaced millions of Plains States small government freaks I doubt seriously if Ben Sasse (Weirdo-Ne) and Debbie Fischer (Who?-Ne) would have voted no (though Im sure hypocritical assholes like Ted Cruz (Canadian-Tx) and John Cornyn (Miscreant-Tx) wild have). Sasse blathered on about reducing the debt and taking money from foreign aid while accusing Chuck Schumer (Fuck You Trump-NY) of writing the "Art of the Steal" .

Again, America, I warn you about this man. Sasse is nothing more than Trump with a goofy smile and a strange sense of humor. He professes his disdain for Trump which gets him a lot of positive press. He only disdains Trump's style of scorching the earth with his lack of human decency. He supports Trump 95% of the time with his votes. So Sasse is nothing more than a new kind of Trump. Dont be fooled.

Our other Senator, a back benching nobody named Deb Fischer (Invisible-Ne), voted no because she was told to and was trying to protect her re-election chances in 2018 by appealing to the aforementioned small government rural voters who would be first in line for subsidies and Medicaid but have no use for the suffering of "urban" citizens. So there ya go. Both of my Senators are an embarrassment to not only their nation, but to humanity. As usual.

3) Look, I voted FOR Hillary Clinton last November, I didnt vote AGAINST the Creep in Chief. I believe Hillary would have made a perfectly acceptable corporate hack President, just as her husband and POTUS 44 was. I can live with that. Its better for America. We wouldn't be saddled for a generation with a folksy Scalia like Neil Gorsuch (Silent Killer-Scotus) had Hillary won. Oh wait she did win. Fuck you with your bullshit about get over it and Trump would have campaigned differently had it been a popular vote election like 100% of all other democracies in the world. Can we invade ourselves for fraudulent elections?

But Hillary, please stop blaming Bernie Sanders for your win loss. I was and still am firmly in the Bernie camp but as I stated before, I voted for my second choice. Bernie has nothing to do with the victory loss you incurred in November, the month the United States went off the cliff into a fiery pit of bigotry and dumb. Look, Hillary, the Democratic primary was not a coronation. You arent royalty destined by birth to be the nominee of anything. Millions of us were to your left in supporting health care for all and not allowing corporations to be deemed "people". Thats how it works. I voted for Bernie because I believe in his politics, not because I hate women or think you're a war mongering nut. So stop blaming your friends and start blaming the real culprits of your win loss. Russian bots, white privilege, an 18th century election system designed to appease evil, misogyny, and your total lack of ability to take chances like telling that Stalker in Chief to back the fuck off as he stumbled around behind you like a bloated orange zombie during the debate. Bernie Bros who voted for Trump are simply the left wing equivalent of Trumps base. Plenty of dumb to go around, Hill. And yes, I will read your book.

4) Donald Trump needs to go. Not because of the illegal acts, the espionage, the total lack of any sense of how government works, the meanness, the grudge against a black man making a joke about your joke of a TV show, the apportionment of unqualified idiots to key positions, the tweets, the coming indictments, the fact he has made the world a more dangerous place, the diminishing power of the United States, the condoning of white supremacy, and the collusion with an enemy. You need to go because you are incest obsessed predator. Makes me shiver this man exists, much less runs the free world.

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