Saturday, December 1, 2012
No Spin Moan!
Sweet Jesus I Hate Bill O'Reilly! That was a great book and also pretty much sums up how I feel about the bloviating jack off who charms 75 year old cranks who can't reach the remote on a nightly basis.
O'Reilly has once again begun his annual woe is me War on Christmas month. It began with his yakking with another bloviating jack off atheist and moved on with a waste of time interview with the Governor of Rhode Island. All the while Mr.Do It Live hammers home his point that poor christians are getting the shaft, quite a change from his normal shafting of his employees.
O'Reilly is a bully. A former junior high school history teacher who claims his students loved him because he was "tough but fair". Yeah right, Mr. Fuckin Shit Sucks. They hated you. Every last one of them. He reminds me of every star fucker wannabe who can't get into the cool club so he gasbags his disdain of said cool club. If Clooney or Natalie Maines or Springsteen, all people Billo has hammered, ever invited O'Reilly to an event, the skid marks would be on fire in the Fox Studio from his road runnering his way outta there. Beep Beep!
So get used to it. Or better yet, do like me, and ignore this serial sex creep for the next 20 years or so.
Oh yeah but one more thing before I Etch a Sketch Billo off my radar screen. It was interesting to note that Mr. I Don't Know What That Means considers christianity a "philosophy" not a religion and Jesus a "man". Jesus H Christ Bill! That's a huge step for a fucking buffet catholic like yourself. Now if only the government would consider christianity a "philosophy" and Jesus a "man" like L Ron Hubbard or Joe Smith or "Reverend" Moon and tax the living shit out of it! Fiscal cliff "nightmare" solved!
Thanks Bill!
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