Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Sean Hannity's New Hero!
Another Florida white guy with a gun has stood his ground goddammit! 45 year old Mike Dunn pulled into a convenience store in Jacksonville or Sanford or some other shitty Florida town with his girlfriend to buy some classy wine when he heard an SUV full of hoodie wearing rap blasting skittle buying black thugs parked right next to him. So Mike did what any white guy standing his ground would do. He hollered over for them to shut the fuck up. When they didn't, he shot 8 or 9 times into the vehicle just to scare them a bit. Oh he killed 17 year old Jordan Davis but hey, what did that kid think was gonna happen when he turned up that loud ass music?
Mike and gal pal drove off to a motel to make sweet love after ingesting the MD20 and finally turned themselves in to the local cops after seeing that somebody got killed. What the hell? You can't even fire into a vehicle 8 or 9 times without some idiot getting in the way and killing himself. Oh and by the way, Mike's lawyer says Mike acted as any responsible gun owner would. By shooting somebody who sassed him after he started a verbal confrontation in a public parking lot.
You can even hear the Fox New machine gearing up for its spin and the defense of Mike Dunn, avenger of Mitt Romney's loss in Florida. Unarmed but very dangerous 17 year old black kid killed by scared white guy with gun. You know, the same old story. The act made perfectly legal by the nitwits who lounge around the Florida legislature. Stand Your Ground Laws, as long as you're white, male, stupid and actually fantasize about stopping a madman from shooting up a loaded theater full of Red Dawn fans. Yep, it's Florida being Florida. Again.
Oh Bugs, you had no idea how right you are. Next cartoon, saw off Texas too.
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