Monday, June 4, 2012
Con Wisconsin!
I always thought Wisconsin was one of the good ones. Home of LaFollette , but also home of Tail Gunner Joe. They have a sort of split personality up there. Must be the cold, or cheese causes brain farts or something.
Anyway Governor Kochsucker is up for recall on Tuesday and it looks like the kooks may win. Leaving this asshole in office is Republican wet dream beyond any wet dream they've ever had. It would be the death knell to public service unions in this nation and I am not exaggerating. This is what this is all about. You think the Koch Brothers care about this weasel Walker in any way? This mountain of monkey turds is just that. The chimp who begs for money while the organ grinder entertains the easily entertained. Walker is another useful idiot in the Republican war on the middle class. In case you forgot, or never studied history, or are just fucking dumb, unions created the middle class in this country. Unions allowed people who never had a chance to get that chance. To buy a house, a car, to take vacations, to live a life of comfort. But for every dollar the unions took, that was one less dollar the Romneys of the world had, and they don't like that one bit. Demands for a fair wage, health insurance, time off. Bah! Ungrateful bastards! You should be happy you even have a job much less 'demand" anything. This attitude has won. And it won by scaring the shit out of $40K a year Republicans who toe the line and don't like the "union thug" who sits on his ass all day doing nothing while the $40K a year Republican sits around on his ass doing as little as possible. That's right. The diff between unions and non unions is fear. Union workers work just as hard as anyone else. I've been in unions and I've not been in unions. Personally, I work just as hard no matter what my dues paying status is. And so does most everyone else.
Walker is a tool. He needs to go bye bye. I doubt he will, despite the efforts of the big dog, but if anyone can get out the vote to get rid of this douchebag, it's Bill Clinton. What's Walker have? Chuck Norris? And about $60 million of corporate money all drooling at the prospect of turning Wisconsin into Vietnam. That money is key. Because your average dope believes anything he or she sees on the TV, Walker may win. Outspent 10 to 1, intelligent people should be asking themselves, why the fuck do Kansas residents Frick and Frack Koch care so much about this dickwad Governor of Wisconsin so much? Hmmm....what's in in for them? Yeah that's what informed people might ask. Let's see if Wisconsin residents ask themselves that.
Hey, if Wisconsin keeps this shitheel Walker, what goes next? The son of a bitch already has some Hunting Department head honcho who wants to sell public lands to private interests. What happens after that? He forces all you Packer fans to give up your worthless Packer stock so Douche and Bag Koch can have them? Every two bit Republican Governor in teh country is watching you, Wisky voter. If you keep this Walker patsy, all these Republican dictators will get the green light to rid their states of unions. And after that,the Democrats major contributors dry up. And isn't this what this is really all about anyway. Voter purges, union busting, these Republican motherfuckers are greasing the skids for one party rule. Only intelligence can beat them. You have that, Wisconsin?
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