Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fetal Matter!

Oh Catholicism. I kid. Well not really. Having spent 12 years resisting the indoctrination of brainwashed women in chick tuxedos and men hiding from themselves, I can honestly say I still don't get it. In all the time after 6th grade, when I got up the courage to ask simple questions that were never answered or answered with such simplistic screeds I couldn't stand it, I've never understood this cult. All through catholic high school when the questions I asked were eventually met with outright hostility and punishments far from deserved (I think I still owe the Jesuits about 3 months worth of "jugs" or detentions in English), I became determined to never let those dictators in funny hats run my life. Hey, I have nothing against anyone who finds peace in this cult of nuttiness. Whatever keeps you from shooting everybody you come in contact with I applaud. I don't care if it's belief in a planet far away with a panel of judges, a belief that you keep coming back as somebody else till you get it right, or a belief that telling some dude all your "sins" somehow gets the invisible man in the sky who apparently is deaf to forgive you. Great! Go ahead and live in peace. Just don't bother me with your mental illness. Oh I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

Now even though I resigned from membership in the cult years ago, something about their inbred hatred of women, gays, and rubbers had me troubled, they are starting to piss me off again. The infallible Nazi youth who runs the joint and his minions of SS stomping surrogates in the United States have once again inserted their staffs into something other than little boys and girls. Politics. During an election year? This cult of craziness has decided to file suit against the current administration and it's not even in effect health care mandate (ha that word makes me giggle when I talk about the cult). Yeah tax exempt status is a great thing. You can strongarm weakling politicians, ah lets just call it like it is, Democratic politicians, into kowtowing before you and doing whatever it is you want and you have to still not pay anything to that same government you hold hostage. Ah, America. Greatest nation on earth.

The cult and its Hitler youth strongman have also beat down some nuns, the Leadership Conference on Womens Religious. What did they do? Work at strip clubs part time? Hook on the side? Eat a burger on a Friday? Nah, they helped the poor and the downtrodden too much. The Catholic Bishops, you know, that organization of overfed collusionists and racketeers, decided, with approval from the Roman Bund, that these women did not worship the blastocyst, the fetus, the parasitical growth, enough. So when these women of God were feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, helping the homeless, and all that other pussy stuff, Don Ratzenberger and his consigliores got pissed they weren't doing something important like standing outside a Planned Parenthood with a sign featuring a blob of bloody material chanting at innocent people there to get a pap smear or a mammogram something about murdering their babies.

The Cult-o-lics. I kid. No not really again. You have joined a political party in this country . A party of Ayn Rand worshipers who don't care about anyone or anything other than themselves. You are Republican hacks. For the worship of a fetus? Hey, Tim Dolan, you know that fat guy who runs the New York family, how can you sleep at night? Other than the indigestion from your high fat meal, how can you not stay awake wondering about what the fuck you are up to? Real Catholics, and there are some. care about the less fortunate. They are the ones, like the nuns, who should be running things, not you and your misogynistic, homophobic, self hating men. If you insist on continuing this Republican dick sucking (by the way Tim, they don't give a shit about the fetus either, they are using you, you fat fuck) then pay some taxes like the rest of us loudmouths do. For the United States government to in effect pay you to commit fraud and coverups is a travesty.

Oh Jesus, please take some Pepto, the heavenly strength kind. I can hear you puking way down here. Here's to ya buddy! To most of them now, you are just some dirty hippie that got what he deserved. And they love you. And will kill anybody who says any different! Oops. I hear ol' JC heading back to the toilet. Hold his hair, Mary.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that.
    In recovery too.

    Thanks for the blog, keeps me sane sometimes.

