Friday, September 23, 2011

Why You Little........!!!!!

Oh it's been a long month, a long year, a long two years. Selling a house is a bitch, especially when you have incompetents, including me, running the show. But it's done. Thanks, Bush and you Republicans for fucking up the economy and pretty much forcing us to give the damn house away. Anyway, enough of my personal pissing and moaning. Onward.

I just keep getting angry. These Republican nincompoops running for President are bad enough with their ass kissing and flip flopping and desire to suck up to the dregs of society,otherwise known as the teabaggers. I hate to sound like a one note Max's Dad here by continually harping on these pricks, but it has to be done or my head is going to explode and turn this state even redder than it already is.

Look, the candidates running for the nomination of that party of privilege are all a bit off. Whether it be the wild eyed craziness of Michele Bachmann or the lack of principles of Mittens Romney or the shucks y'all Bushit of Rick Perry or the froth spewing from a body opening of Rick Santorum (dont google him)or the philandering pablum of Newt Gingrich or the house boy capitalism of Herman Cain or the who the hell is that Limbaugh spouting Gary Johnson or the suddenly seems sane compared to the rest of them but still right wing crap of Jon Huntsman it still doesn't even compare to the mouth breathers whom they drop to their knees for. The Tea Party.

Late in August while running through a park here in Omaha, I wandered upon the Tea Party Express parked in a gravel lot. There were vendors selling borderline racist bumper stickers and t shirts to the lawn chair sitting blue hairs who drove the Buick down to listen to the "wisdom" of these scam artists. I stopped to listen, inevitably wandering over to the 6 or so protesters and asking if this was the "cool" section. Onstage, yacking to the government subsidized oldsters who applauded any time one of them said "one term president" were a group of folks who one by one, took the stage to holler about debt ceilings and deficits and socialism (how ironic that 3/4 of these idiots were on Medicare and Socialism Security) children and grandchildren and oh yeah, to proclaim over and over and over and over they were not racists. Geez, who said ya were, guy with the Obama as an African chief T shirt. Hey, if you say that you are not something after nobody accused you of being it, like when Larry Craig said he wasn't gay after nobody said he was, then you are. Well when the third straight blabberer started off by saying she wasn't a racist, I ran off before I called her a fat cracker.

I used to think these teabaggers were misinformed, talk show brainwashed, or just plain stupid. But after the last three Republican "debates", I am convinced they are all three. And also black hearted sociopaths.

Three debates back when Bush Junior, Rick Perry, was asked about his sleeping habits after whacking more humans legally than any other person in US history, the audience of souless cro magnons cheered wildly. Ok, they don't like murderers, who does? But killing them, guilty or not, is a-ok with this bunch. Yeah, fry 'em. ok, teabaggers, now shut up and go to church were you can get erections at the sight of your lord and savior being executed.

Two debates back, when Ron Paul the Anarchist was being asked if he would let an uninsured person die rather than give government help, horned devils in the teabag audience hollered Yeah! Nice. This was THE most appalling thing I have ever seen in American politics, and I've seen a lot. Pat Buchanan's 1992 cross dressing Nuremberg speech. Ronnie Reagan the Saint honoring SS soldiers at Bitburg. Our own Governor Mini Me Heineman vetoing Medicaid funds for pregnant women because they may be illegal right before he signed some bullshit abortion law cuz he's so pro-life. APPALLING all but nothing like that audience sheering a hypothetical death due to lack of funds.

And then last night. The BOOING of a gay soldier for daring to ask the obvious question of Man on Dog Santorum (dont google) if he would repeal DADT. BOOING? A soldier? Your precious military men? BOOING a guy who has risked it all so you fucking morons can go and act like chimps? Fuck you Tea Party. I really can't say it any other way. May you all rot in hell you compassionless assclowns. And yeah I know there's no hell other than being in the same area as these assholes bu they don't. Little do they know that the only devil that exists is right there inside of them.

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