Monday, September 26, 2011

I Want You For Class Warfare!

Class Warfare? Really? Are you guys serious this time? I'm all for it. Where do I enlist? Because I'd really like to kick that drunk Andrew Breitbart right in the franks and beans he wants 90% of us to subsist on.

Everytime you see the inevitable talk of raising tax rates on the wealthiest individuals, you hear that term "class warfare" shouted from the castle berms and repeated by the useful idiots down below who think the drawbridge will soon come down to let them in. "Class Warfare" has been waged on the middle class for about 30 years now by the castle dwellers and they are kicking our ass. They call it "trickle down". I call it pissing on me and telling me it's life sustaining water.

The class warriors from above have been destroying the middle class, destroying the unions, destroying the right to vote, destroying the right to sue negligent corporations, destroying the environment, destroying the educational system and destroying my eardrums with their media friendly bullshit for years. And it's time it stopped. It's time to fight back for once and stop being afraid the big bad job creator will ship your job to China or Vietnam just plain eliminate it and make your co worker do twice as much. I have news for you. They'd cut your throat and tell you it's elective surgery tomorrow if it made their bottom line go up a dollar. They hate you. You are a lazy, unqualified sot who steals from them by even demanding a salary. The problem is, a lot of you do their dirty work for them. I see it everyday. $30K a year Republicans, convinced they are just thissssssss far from getting that big promotion and a free ticket to the corporate skybox to see Stevie Nicks. Ha. You people. WTF.

The latest villain is Warren Buffett. The billionaire with the inexplicable want for fairness is now the subject of the talk radio cretins bile. If I hear one more of these radio faces and their listeners say "well Warren Buffett is free to write a big check to the IRS if he wants to pay more taxes" I will ask that the drawbridge be dropped right on my head cuz I can't take it anymore. It's not original, it's not clever, it's not funny and it's also not relevant to the discussion. Buffett simply wants reality when it comes to fixing this fucked up economy. Reality, the fact that the wealthy pay less of a percentage of taxes as their wealth goes up. Reality, that if you cut middle class taxes, the money gets spent and the economy prospers. Reality, that if you cut the wealthy's taxes, the money gets holed up offshore and does no good. Reality, that the wealthy being taxed 4% more is not going to make them throw up their hands and say I'm done. I quit. Right, Bill O'Reilly?

So let the warfare begin. Tax the enemy from 35 to 39%. See what happens. Carnage in the streets? Millions of deaths? Torture? Nope, a gigantic collective shrug from the rich. Like a fly has buzzed their Chablis. Kind of like they think of us now. Flies. Stop letting ourselves get swatted and start biting back.

1 comment:

  1. Hell, why stop at 39%? I say, tax the bastards at 45% or more, especially since they've been effectively stealing from the rest of us for many years with ridiculous tax cuts they didn't need, outsourcing of our jobs, and unneeded subsidies. They were paying 91% in the 1950s and everyone prospered just fine, so what the hell is wrong with 39 or even 45% now? What a big bunch of crybabies!
