Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm Runnin' This Tea Party!

The classic case of the tail wagging the dog, or perhaps Flounder running the Delta House. Why are the Republicans, most of whom have been in office for years, allowing a small number of first year teabagger economic illiterates tell them what to do? I had hoped that the Boner would grow a pair and put these first year dipshits into a time out room and let them throw their tantrums alone, but he didn't and they now have won, and are drunk with power. Or perhaps drunk period. What else can explain these financial nincompoops and their stupid radio talk show caller views? These are the kind of dimwits who call into the local yokel radio show and complain that if we just cut off all furrin' aid everything would be fine. Or the infamous I gotta manage my budget, why don't Warshington argument that you hear out of that next door dope right before he charges his Disney cruise on the old Discover card.

I have to admit, never in my life have I gotten to the point of hating a group of people more than I have have gotten to hate these tea party jackoffs. They brought the country to the brink of economic collapse to get that black guy out of office. Oh yeah, I went to the race card. But teabaggers have this racism gene so far buried up their ample asses they don't even realize the sight of President Obummer (so funny everytime I hear one of them say this out loud like they just made it up) sends them rushing to wash their sheets even though they aint even dirty. They don't get it. Why I like that Herman Cain fella, they say. Right! Pizza Man has no chance of ever getting close to any kind of office. I like that Alan West. Of course you do, he's insane and the most self loathing black man I've encountered since the last time I heard Wally Williams fill in for the four times married drug addicted child molester on the radio. I forgot that guy's name. Limpblob or something. So stop even denying your disgust that a black man has inhabited the White House. You should LOVE this particular black man, teabaggers. He is so not angry, he makes me angry. The man is so middle of the road he lets himself get run over by total limpwrists like Mitch McConnell. I wish he would become angry black guy. It'd be a welcome.

The dumbest member of Congress, no not Michele Bachmann, at least this week, Steve King of Iowa (whats up with that Iowa??) went onto the floor of the House and railed against free birth control. King, who I seriously think may be mentally challenged said the following, out loud, in public, with TV cameras rolling, with his constituents watching, with his family watching, with fellow retards like Rep Louis Gomert watching, :
"They’ve called it preventative medicine. Preventative medicine. Well if you applied that preventative medicine universally what you end up with is you’ve prevented a generation. Preventing babies from being born is not medicine. That’s not— that’s not constructive to our culture and our civilization. If we let our birth rate get down below replacement rate we’re a dying civilization."

Our culture. Our civilization. You know, shhhhh, white culture. And that is the teabagger mentality. Oh all this bullshit about their kids debts and grandchildrens debt and socialism and Nobama and light bulbs and abortion comes down to one thing. Us whiteys are losing ground. To a teabagger thats unacceptable. King let it out. And King is just too stupid to keep it under wraps. I can hear the teabaggers now shrugging their shoulders and asking, "what's wrong with what King said?" Right before they hopped on the old Medicare bought scooter and headed off to the drag races.

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