Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ben Nelson For Senate?

I never thought anything or anybody could get me to vote for Ben Nelson. But, folks, this is the tool who would replace Ben Nelson in the Senate. Jon Bruning is the Republican Attorney General of this state and he wants to unseat Nelson for being a commie socialist. Hey, Bruning made Ben Nelson look like Steve King (Moron-Ia) back when he was a young law student at the University of Nebraska back in the 1980's with his pro-choiceyness and his liberaliness and stuff. But Bruning soon figured the road to political success in this state, at least the part of the state anywhere west of Lincoln's airport where the genetic Republicans breed, was to get all pro-lifey and anti-homoey and stuff. So he did, and won by default the Attorney General's job which is controlled by the Repugs ever since some colored guy Democrat somehow took it over back in the 1990's for a short period of time and got the Republicans in the West all scared he was gonna let all his thug buddies out of jail and come rape their daughters Tomasina Osborne and probably Roberta Devaney too.

Bruning is the guy who once proclaimed he was against gay marriage because the next thing you'd see is some guy "marrying his chair". Yes, that's a quote from this turd burger , but after listening to that idiot speak in the above video, that wouldn't surprise anybody.

Before you ask, yes we do make people of questionable intelligence wear red shirts with an N somewhere on them in this state. The N stands for NUT. That's so you can tell where they are at all times. This state has about a million and a half of these "nuts" walking around at any moment. You see them all over. It's almost like they're proud of being "nuts".

And one more thing about this Bruning nitwit, does anybody find it ironic he compares raccoons and welfare recipients while yapping to a bunch of welfare recipients? Here, they call them "farmers".

1 comment:

  1. What a pathetic example of voters being left with absolutely NO CHOICE! I say everybody write in Homer Simpson.
