Thursday, May 13, 2010

Three Jews And Six Catholics Walk Into A Bar!

Oh my, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is unmarried, childless, has short hair and per Rupert Murdoch's financial rag, The Wall Street Journal, she once played softball about 30 years ago. Gosh, what a lez!

The speculation on this woman's personal life is the latest in the stupiding down of America. If we don't have serial plagiarist , Ben Domenech (whoever the eff he is), blogging on that she's "openly gay", we have British-hatched conservative nancy boy Andrew Sullivan telling eveybody he's been told she's gay. I'd say who the hell cares but it's so goddamned obvious that's the only proper reaction I'm ashamed to say I even typed it.

Hell, I'm more concerned she's not a leftwing bomb thrower like Marshall or Douglas or even Stevens. She's not even as lefty as David Souter (hey wait on minute, wasn't he not married and childless?). We need one of those again instead of these jello-spined moderates these Democrats keep nominating.

Oh she'll be confirmed, I believe, as the lies of Hannity, Beck, Limpblob fall by the wayside. O'Reilly will "defend" the woman by claiming he doesn't care if she's gay, over and over and over. The moon-howlers who love their Jesus will keep saying "Gay Marriage" over and over in between calls to But in the end, she'll coast on in and take her seat and occasionally vote on the wrong side. That's the way we Democrats roll, baby. The Republicans nominate kooks and fascists and errand boys and they get through. Democrats nominate wishy washy pragmatists. Blah.

And besides, if the Chief Justice, John Roberts, got confirmed with that photo above out there, we may already have an , uhhhhhhhhh, alternative Justice on the court.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not may have been Bill Maher...but it was said during Robert's confirmation hearing "Straight guys don't pose with food!"
