Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Following Takes Place Between Preposterous And Revolting!
Oh it's Jack Bauer caught with his pants down again. That script from last night's 24 made me wish I'd have pulled my pants up over my face in shame for admitting I still watch this show. 24 was a great show. A great fantasy of one man taking on bad guys from Serbia and Russia and Mexico and China and unnamed Middle East countries and from right here in the good old USA. This show has had Presidents who were black, and women and one crooked white guy with a crazy wife. That one was too real. But 24 has it's nasty side and it reared its ugly head last night in a way so gratuitous and plain wrong, I am announcing that after this season I will never watch it again. Unless they make a movie.
24 has always been a conservative's wet dream. Jack Bauer just walks in and shoots people who won't talk. He tortures people who won't talk. He YELLS at people who won't talk. He's sort of like Bill O'Reilly, if O'Reilly had any brains. Unfortunately, this fictional show, and man is it ever fiction, makes conservatives delusional with their belief that Jack Bauer is a real guy. Oh no, he's not a creation of Kiefer Sutherland in between drunken brawls, he's a real guy and we need more real guys like him. This is why teabaggers are so freaking dumb, they created the term "teabagger" without even knowing what it meant. To them, Jack is real. To war criminals like Dick Cheney, he may not be real, but he should be and to Fox News, of course he's real, he's on Fox, the same network as that talking cartoon baby.
Last night on 24, (sounds so Kiefer-like), Jack decided to torture a guy for fun. Using pliers, chemicals, a blowtorch, and eventually a knife, Jack went nuts. Oh, the guy deserved it, but really? On network TV? Porn for teabaggers and neo-cons? Really? Was it necessary to lay that out there? Now we'll have the morons who think Glenn Beck actually believes what he cries out, and the 70 year old pseudo tough guys who watch the Bully O'Reilly Factor have more things to think about and enjoy in between their waving the Don't Tread On Me flags (by the way, if you wave one of those flags, you may as well be waving a misspelled sign telling everyone you're crazee).
24 has been on for years. It's one of the most ridiculous shows ever. But it's like a Twinkie, no nutritional value but damn good. But if you eat the Twinkies all up, and you like them too much, you get fat. Like 24 has become. Fat. Like the space between the ears of the right. Fat. Dammit!
With its glorification and misrepresented advocacy of torture as a desirable tool, and with its overly simplistic portrayal of a complex world, 24 is one Twinkie that has rotted my teeth and I won't consume any more of it.