Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey, Where's The Pole?

Wow! Now THAT is a think tank! Madonna & Rachel Ray together at last! Conservative white men are all alone with their computers with the door locked as we speak!

Right there in Minneapolis, the gruesome twosome made white guys hearts go all aflutter with all that Drill,Baby,Drill! breathy speak. Then that phony radio scuzzball Chris Baker had to get in there and get back to the "commie" talk. Hey, he was a failed morning zoo guy here in Omaha before he found that conservative Rush Limbaugh imitations got you a radio show with all sorts of erectile dysfuntion ads. Nice step up, Chris.

Boy, with Bristol's mom and Marcus' beard both onstage rolling their eyes, I can only imagine how fast Sean Hannity was getting to the bathroom before Bill O'Reilly beat him to it. Not to mention how upstaged that Governor of Minnesota, Good n Plenty or whatever must have felt. He's as irrelevant as a hot chick at a Charlie Crist rally.

It must have been fun for the 11,000 conservatives in Minnesota to all meet in one place for a change. I mean those lesbian leather bars just aren't big enough to hold all 11,000 Republicans at once. Geez, Trigger's mom, you could have least worn that leather biker jacket you wore down in Arizona helping McCain cut out his soul. Michael Steele would've rolled in for that.

1 comment:

  1. Max's Dad,
    You ask "where's the pole?" I don't know, but I know exactly where I'd love to shove it!
