Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Governor Bilbo Baggins At Your Service!
We have some real doozies running this state. Nebraska is not known for electing Governors who matter on a national scale. How Bob Kerrey ever got elected is beyond me. How Earl Benjamin Nelson got elected, or Kay Orr, or Charlie Thone, or J James Exon, or Mike Johanns are no surprises at all. Forgettable do-nothings who go on to embarrass us in Washington D.C.
Way back in the 1950's, a little boy in Falls City, Nebraska dressed up in a tiny suit and tie and pretended to be Governor. His name was Dave Heineman and amazingly he never grew beyond his 1950's height. Well, he's now our Governor, fulfilling his life long dream of leading a state full of people longing for the 1950's.
Let me make this perfectly clear. Dave Heineman is a twerp. Heineman, all 5 feet nothing of him, has decided he wants to be noticed so bad he will take up with anybody screwy enough to want him. Heineman, who gladly took and spent a billion dollars of that commie Obama stimulus money, showed up at a teabagger rally in Lincoln and proceeded to tell the old cranks he was "one of them". The hypocrisy was dripping from the walls. But the teabaggers, too ignorant to know any better, just sat in their lawn chairs and waved their saggy arms.
Earlier in the day, Heineman, in his daily struggle for somebody to look down and see him, signed two unconstitutional bills making it really hard for women to get abortions in Nebraska. The first one set a 20 week limit on women getting abortions, two weeks earlier than federal law, and the seconds really stupid law forces doctors to "screen" women seeking abortions for "mental health". Both of these laws will be gonzo the first time anybody on a bench with any intelligence sees them but Heineman, who longs for Earl Benjamin Nelson's Senate seat, is really on a slippery slope here. If he really believes that 51% of the population is really goofy enough to get abortions willy nilly, and needs mental health screenings, WTF was he doing at a teabagger rally later the same day? Now THAT'S some mental health screening that I would support.
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