There are very few humans on this earth I can honestly say I despise. Hate is such a strong word. Wishing evil on people is so Republican.
Rush Limbaugh III is one of the people I despise. This nerd, this self aggrandizing pig, this hedonist, this egomaniac, this probably very lonely self-loathing man has never shown a quality that would admit him to the human race. What he does is so easy, so cowardly, so utterly inhumane it cannot be measured. The man picks on those weaker than him, different from him,and does it with such joy. that millions of other self-loathing bullies slap their knees and bow to the king whenever he crushes a perceived peasant.
What Mr.Limbaugh did this weekend was have a chest pain while cavorting in Hawaii. Full of himself and perhaps tiny blue pills, El Rushbo went to the hospital where he was listed in serious condition. I actually prayed for his recovery. Not due to any humanity or compassion I feel for this creep, but I need him alive into January of 2010. He's in my death pool entry. Oh you should see the list. Another post perhaps.
Rush recovered, and took the opportunity to politicize his own misfortune by praising health care in the U.S. and bashing the health care bill. Well of course you like it the way it is you selfish prick, you pull down millions to be the bullying bigot you portray on the radio.
A co-worker of mine has a sister who suffered a debilitating stroke last spring. She never really recovered and has been shifted from nursing home to rehab center to home and back to nursing homes and hospitals over the last 9 months. She has fought hard to recover some ability to live a respectable life. She has faced death numerous times and if you believe in such things, she has survived only because of some divine interference. I just happen to think she's probably tougher than a Sizzler steak.
Today, she lost her health insurance. Effective 1/1/10, her insurance company dumped her. Dumped her onto the street. The nursing home has given her a week to pay up or get out. If she was Rush Limbaugh, she could write a check and get the best health care in the world. But she's not. She's just a regular person who worked her ass off for many years to come to this? Are you kidding me? The United States of America allows this to happen? The dittoheads, the teabaggers, the birthers, the Limbaughs don't give a damn if this happens to others. They have theirs and to hell with you.
Sorry my friends. To hell with you. This kind of thing makes me wish there was a hell and everyone of those selfish bastards deserves to go there. Once again, somewhere, when Limbaugh begins his bullying, the deity is throwing up.
VERY sorry to learn of your friend's sister's misfortune. In my mind, that is CRIMINAL! As for Limpballs, he had a chest pain, but he's been a giant PAIN IN THE ASS to all the rest of us for years!