Friday, January 1, 2010

Ben Nelson Vs. Herbie Husker!

I've given Ben Nelson a ton of cow manure over the years but when forced to choose between the guy who finally voted to advance a foot in the door health care reform bill along and the typical Nebraskan pictured above, well, thanks a lot there, Ben.

Nelson ran an ad during the religious service known as the Holiday Bowl, mandatory viewing for 100% of anyone living within these borders and strongly suggested for anyone not. I think it was LB001 or something passed back when the Huskers were known as the Bugeaters. Nelson's ad, featuring the helmet-haired "Democrat" seated in front of a fire, open collared shirt and the sincerest look he could muster, allowed Ben to grovel to the guy pictured above, already 8 or 9 Pabsts into the game and screeching about the lousy refereeing even though they led something like 150-0. The only thing Ben could have done to make the plea for sanity any better was if he bit the head off a Barack Obama voodoo doll , or allowed himself to be sacked by Ndomakong Suh on camera.

The ad was typical Nelson, full of false preacher-like concern and lots of sleep inducing rhetoric. I could hear the guys at the Husker Inn or down at the local VFW #75 pulling their heads off the bar and yelling something about "socialism" and telling Clem to remind them to cash their farm subsidy check before Thursday. Yeah, Ben is still full of it. But again, when forced to choose, I folded like a Bill Callahan defense and fell back in like with Big Ben. How could I possibly stay mad at you, Benny boy? At least until the next time you try to screw the entire country over.

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year, Max's Dad!
    Man, you and your state deserve far better. You could do worse, but not much worse! You poor guy...
