There are hundreds of reasons why this cheap hack ought to be in jail now that he's a private citizen. Here are just 20:
1) he said to a CIA analyst "ok you covered your ass now" after he was told of an NSA memo predicting the 9/11 attacks
2) He invaded the wrong country
3) He lied to foreign governments and us about Iraq
4) he played guitar while people drowned in New Orleans
5) he gave no bid contracts to Haliburton & Blackwater while denying benefits to mangled war veterans
6) hundreds of "renditions"
7) torture
8) slashed regulations on banks
9) Enron
10) deregulates oil industry sending oil prices through the roof
11) used auto industry problems to punish unions
12) silenced the truth on global warming
13) Jack Abramoff
14) Pat Tillman
15) US Attorneys fired for not being Republican hacks
16) abortion causes breast cancer
17) Donald Rumsfeld
18) Abu Graib
19) outsourcing port security to Dubai
20) No Child Left Behind
You want more? Are you listening, The Hague? Are you listening, Mr.President? If this criminal enterprise is allowed to go unpunished, we all lose. If torture is allowed to stand without consequences, the government of the United States has become the torturer and any moral standing is gone. If this last 8 years is simply relegated to history books to be looked on as a pothole in the road not to be fixed, how long before we bust an axle? This country stands for something. The last 8 years this country has stood for the things we find reprehensible in others. Do something about this. Somebody. Do something!
Amen! And one more... he's just too stupid to be left alone without someone to corral him!
ReplyDeleteThat's a fabulous listing of true crimes committed by the infamously deceitful and deluded George W. Bush! I would add his open advocacy of exporting American jobs as another heinous crime. I hope you'll one day be able to work alonside the prosecuting attorney in the war crimes/crimes against humanity trials of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Gonzales, Yoo, and all other pertinent members of the most corrupt administration in all of our history!