Friday, January 23, 2009

How Come There's No Guitar Hero Bee?

You are looking at 3 of the 6 student winners of the District Spelling Bee. One of them is Max. You can guess which one, which may be tough since all their hair is about the same length. Max spelled "percolate" to advance to the Citywide Spelling Bee next month here in Omaha along with his two schoolmates. I was so proud of him that I about c-r-a-p-p-e-d my pants. My accomplishments in grade school involved avoiding getting my ass kicked by nuns.

Congratulations to Max and his classmates.


  1. As the unlucky sibling to follow you all through elementary school, I can assure you that you had MANY more accomplishments than that. They were enumerated to me whenever I had one of your prior teachers, ESPECIALLY from the nuns!

  2. Congrats to Max! I had a spelling Bee career that was skyrocketing when I was in 4th grade! Picture it, I was in the spotlight playing to audiences of tens and I was in spelling bees in years beyond my grade!
    I was in the final 5 in the 6th grade spelling bee and my ass was kicked by the word molasses.
    You can rest assured I can spell that word in my sleep to this day!
