Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Election Vibe!

 1992 is happening all over again. This election has that vibe. Once the Democrats jettisoned the old guy and Trump became the old guy, this whole race flipped. The concern over Biden's age (which I had come to cringe when I saw him walk down stairs) was real. Though I really just wanted it over one way or the other, the selfless decision of Joe to step down was the decision that had to be made. And now that it's made, and Kamala Harris bounds up and down stairs, sometimes talking at the same time, this whole thing is giving us hope. Hope! 

In 1992, a young 46-year-old Bill Clinton was nominated and ran against George Bush, though only 68, but who looked old side by side. Clinton and his running mate. Al Gore. a 44-year-old man, hustled and wore themselves out outperforming Bush, who thru the power of incumbency had the built in advantage. But age is a killer. And age never loses. Bush lost. This year has that feel. The younger Harris, 59 years old, and Trump, a bitter trash taking old man of 78, face off. Remember age never loses. Trump is old, Harris is young.

The Veeps are not going to help, they never do. Trump took J D Vance, a 39-year-old flip flopper who went from thinking he might be gay, to trashing his hillbilly roots, to calling Trump "America's Hitler" to calling childless women "cat ladies" and kissing Trump's ass. A single couch joke about him has gone from twitter joke to a derisive non-fact that somehow has become a fact. How's it feel, Republicans? Lies become "facts" if you see it often enough. Bite on ass achieved. Vance may end up being an actual liability, an impressive feat.

Tim Walz isn't going to help. Do no harm, right? Well, Walz does no harm thats for sure despite the MAGA efforts. The racists bring up Somalia and the Floyd disturbances. The assholes bring up the horrific policies of feeding children, protecting abortion rights and for some reason, tampons in high school bathrooms. Children, once born, are a burden to them. Feeding them is "Marxism" (a term none of them understand). Codifying abortion rights is just infuriating because fetuses are sacred while hungry children are leeches. And the whole tampons thing is just "weird". Angry men, clueless as usual about women and girls, trashing this policy. Oh my gawd, a tampon in a bathroom, a men's bathroom to boot, might make them gay. Grrrrr. It just makes them mad as hell. I once saw a tampon dispenser in a men's bathroom at a progressive movie theater here in Omaha (Film Streams rocks) and ya know what. Yeah, it was interesting. Then I left the bathroom and went into the movie. Didn't even need any medication to help me cope with that "trauma". These people are weird.

Tim Walz is everybody's goofy Dad. He's everybody's goofy uncle. He's a guy you actually look forward to seeing cuz you know it's gonna be fun. Joyous and positive. Walz is just like my Dad. A Western Nebraska born liberal who can be buds with anybody. My old man was in the stocks and bonds business from 1948 to 1994, hardly a liberal bastion. Yet, he thrived through the ups and downs of the market, had many conservative clients, and got along with all of them. He was fellow Chadron State Eagle and was born in Alliance, Nebraska. Chrissakes, my Dad IS Tim Walz. My Dad's political hero was the Happy Warrior, Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota. Walz is Humphrey without the Vietnam baggage. I love this guy. Plain speaking Democrats could dominate this current climate. There are just too few of them because Democrats want to be right rather than connect to regular people. Walz is one of those guys who would rather connect than be right. He is perfect. Do no harm again.

This race is tight. You'd be a fool to not think so. But the whole younger person beating up the old fighter who's lost all but the bluster is here. Kamala and Walz are the younger boxer and Trump is the old fighter who hasnt realized its time to go. His enormous ego and narcissism will never allow him to stop. Only a good haymaker will do him in. Let's hope Kamala and Walz are the haymaker.

Down goes Trump!

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