Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Heritage Foundation Insanity!

Kevin Roberts is the President of the Heritage Foundation, a cocky bunch of white male incels who have fantasies about tri corn hats and whacking libs. Roberts, who refers to himself as a "Doctor" because he has a PHD in History (I'm sure he's well versed in the Third Reich) but unlike Dr Jill Biden he's a real "doctor" cuz he's an overeducated white man with privilege.

Roberts is the Gollum behind Project 2025, Agenda 47 and now some kind of Second American Revolution where if we just let him get away with it, he won't order his goons to start killing people as he sits in his bunkered office hiding under the desk jerking off to Mein Kampf.

While sitting in on the prison bitch, Steve Bannon's podcast, Roberts clearly stated that he and his Nazi scum are taking over the country whether the lefties like it or not, and if you just lay back and enjoy it like they expect women to do when one of their drooling nerds attacks, there will be no bloodshed. Well well, some Steven Miller attic dweller is threatening lefties with death if they stand in the way of the march to Naziism. Sounds familiar. I wonder where the Auschwitz will be located. Probably out in Wyoming where Roberts ran some cowboy catholic circle jerk college called Wyoming Catholic College before assuming his current position in the American SS.

Project 2025 is bad enough with its install fascist loyalists into civil service, ban abortion nationwide, ban no fault divorce, isolationism, suppress the votes of minorities, and put the gays back in the closet or jail. It's a manifesto for nerds. It's a nightmare for the rest of us.

Agenda 47 is another weirdo wet dream that MAGA loves. Well not really, MAGATs think Agenda 47 is some sort of energy drink but the Trump campaign is fully involved. Flying cars, pay white women to have babies, tariffs, ending birthright citizenship (unless its those Russians giving birth at Mar A Lago), unleash the military on protesters (Oh my Tom Cotton just ejaculated) and killing drug dealers (Oh my local cops just ejaculated). 

And now...."Dr" Roberts and the Heritage Foundation of Geeks and Nerds are gizzing up a plan to sue to keep Biden on the ballot should he step down. Keep him on the ballot because he's old and feeble and may not want to be there. Though not one of those right-wing buffoons voted in a Democratic primary we all know white male fascists know what's best for all of us after all. 

The Heritage Foundation is a terrorist organization, Doc Robert admitted it when he stated on the Prisoner's podcast that you get in his way, blood will be shed. Under the new Supreme Court rules that Trump can commit as many felonies as he wants, Biden can do the same. But of course, we know that's not what SCOTUS meant. Only GOPers need apply.

Doc Roberts is such a full-fledged psycho (he's the one behind the Democrats abort babies after birth right thru kindergarten) that why any mainstream media lets him spew his venom is baffling. Yeah I know he threw the rat poison about Revolution on a felon's podcast and may not even be the worst thing said on that podcast of craziness but you think the gun fuckers dont listen you're insane. They are out there.

All I can say is this. Liberals own guns too. We just don't beat off in public about it. Don't bite off more than you can chew Doc Roberts. You may be surprised as you hide in your bunker sending others to fuck around and find out.

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