Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris!

 Now that Joe is gone, for whatever reason (polling, illness, whatever) Donald Trump is now the oldest man in the world. Jebus, this is such a punch in the puss for the MAGATs, they have no idea what to do. Other than crank up the racists and misogynists that is.

Look, here's the deal, I love Joe Biden. I loved Biden in 1988 before he got run out of the race for doing a Melania with some Brits speech. I loved him in 2008 before he got swept out of the race by some new kid named Barack Obama and had he run in 2016 he'd be finishing his second term. Joe is my kind of Democrat in that he didn't take any shit. Much like Fetterman, a plain talking small town loose cannon, Biden was a gaffe machine. But gaffes aren't lies, they're gaffes and we all have those moments. At least those of us who react to stupidity with an unrehearsed response that sometimes doesn't come out correctly. Joe Biden gave in to the pressure. He gave in because he was more interested in the country than his own ego. Wow, what a unique concept. I laud Joe Biden as a great POTUS who got things done. You may not like what he got done, if you're against repairing rotting infrastructure or dealing with a pandemic totally fucked up by TFG. Happy Trails Joe. 

Kamala Harris is the ONLY choice to move forward. Despite the donor class wanting to install one of their white guys into the role, Kamala is the path forward. Kamala Harris, be prepared for the other side to deliberately pronounce her first name incorrectly (Ka-MALA) in their oh so juvenile way and also be prepared for the racist, women hating scum to crawl out from under the rock Stephen Miller sits on. 

DEI hire, which is just the new way to call somebody the N word, will be the talking point, well until it isn't or they have come up with a new way to say it. Remember "thug" and "CRT"? Hell, this MAGAt movement is so crass and vulgar, like their hero, it may just start in with the N word and say hey what'd I say, "they" say it why can't I? 

The facts...Kamala Harris threw criminals in prison while serving as the City Attorney of San Francisco. She won the election in 2010 and 2014 for Attorney General of the state of California. She won the Senate seat of California in 2016 and then won the Veep nod in 2020, and the election as Vice Prez. Thats a lot of winning. Thats way more winning than J D Vance, or Trump for that matter who has never gotten more votes than his opponent EVER. So, all this DEI bullshit is just that.

But that's what we expect. The far right nutjobs have a target they get boners about. A black female with a very endearing laugh. How dare she! Our orange god never ever laughs like the tough guy he is. Get used to the Hillary like attacks but with added gusto cuz she's black. Just call everybody who calls you a racist a racist. Call everybody who calls you a misogynist a misogynist. Call everybody who is protecting democracy a fascist leftist. Just turn it all around. It's the same old strategy that appeals to fellow brain deads. Attack attack attack the black lady while defending your demigod. The old I know you are but what am I defense. So utterly juvenile, just like Trump.

Kamala Harris trails Trump in the first polls by 2 points. The bed wetters will continue to leak into their undies over this. Just wait. As Trump implodes and J D Vance Jeb Bushes his way thru rallies (please clap) these polls will not hold. As people get used to Kamala Harris and become more aware of Trumps evil vision (Project 2025) this will flip. At least I hope it does.

I refuse to believe that Americans, as a whole, do not want a dictatorship. Oh there's 20-30% that have always wanted an iron fisted shitheel like Trump or Putin or Kim to crack heads on people they don't like (left or right). I am not one of them and I don't think the majority of Americans are either. Trumps entire appeal is that he pisses off people like me. These people don't know policy, don't know reality and think people like me make fun of them. Guilty as charged. Yeah, call me a soy boy or a groomer, go ahead. Thats all they got. Deflection.

Anyway, fuck Trump, fuck Vance, fuck Mike Johnson and fuck the Tech billionaires who think they can buy the Presidency to benefit themselves. Long live Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Welcome to the K Hive, Harris is brat, and she did not fall out of a coconut tree. 

I'm all in!

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