Monday, May 6, 2024

New York Day Two!

 Day 2 begins on a subway ride down to City Hall. The NYC subway, just as you get used to it you have to leave. Its $2.90 or $11 for a day pass. Or you can put your credit card on the reader and get in that way. Except for me. So, I had to buy an antiquated paper Metro Pass. You ride the subway and can't help but wonder of the genius of it. HOW did they build this thing? Max's Mom just wanted stations with elevators cuz there are lots of steps getting back to the street from the bowels of hell. 

Wandering around the City Hall, there are tons of NYPD officers hanging around. Hmm wonder why? We find the Brooklyn Bridge just to walk across early because its not that crowded. Off we go. The Bridge is really no longer than the Bob we have in Omaha but because we are olds we need stop, allegedly to take in the view but in reality, its cuz we are old. Walk walk walk into the borough of Brooklyn where we get lost immediately. Google Maps is the devil. And I will insist 100% of arguments start over this piece of technology. But we find our way thru Brooklyn to the NYC Ferry ($4) which will take you across the Hudson or the East River to Wall Street.

More indecisions due to Google Maps so we get bagels and croissants from a street vendor and sit. The charging bull is our goal. We find the bull surrounded by tourists, mostly of the Asian persuasion and everybody wants pics so its kill or be killed. Just go up there and take your pic. Back uptown we go.

What are we looking for? Well, it's the Law & Order courthouse steps of course and the federal courthouse next to it where a certain former President is finally be held accountable for his criminal activity. Oh that is why NYPD is all over. (3 NYPD officers walk towards us, a kind of 2024 Mod Squad, one Asian officer one black officer and a woman officer, and all I hear is the Asian cop say in a perfect Noo Yawk accent "I said to da guy what da fuck are you doing man"). I'd have followed them to get the whole story, but I don't need to get arrested for stalking.

The Federal Courthouse is closed off. There is a corrections bus ready to take the Defendant to Rikers and I so hope it happens. The media is all over the street. Most of whom you recognize if you pay attention to the news. And then across the street is the pen of demonstrators kept in the park by barricades. There are 4 pro Trump demonstrators with signs, none of whom speak English which makes me wonder if they aren't paid to be there. It's really a joke that the pathological liar on trial thinks there "thousands of people" out there supporting him. We have no arguments because again they don't speak English.

The spot where the mentally ill man set himself on fire has been sandblasted but still visible. We get our jollies being there and head back to subway to get back to the hotel.

It's out first Broadway show of the trip.....Suffs.............Hey its the Jerry Orbach theater. Here's to you Lenny Briscoe!

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