Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Trial Of The Century??!!

 The trial has begun. The trial of the century ( JFC stop already). Florida Phony and bad human Donald Trump has actually gone on trial in a New York courtroom for fraud. Why fraud? Well in his payments to Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougall and some doorman who knows all about his love child with a Trump Tower maid, Donald Trump, stable genius and shitty businessman wrote off the $300K plus as "legal expenses". Sorry Donnie but that's misdemeanor illegal on its surface BUT if it's done to further a subsequent crime well then its a felony. Welcome to Felony World!

Trump has gone into court two straight days. Falling asleep, rolling his eyes and being the nightmare client his lawyers know him to be. Trump has been gagged by the judge in the case because Donnie can't stop bragging, insulting and putting jurors and courtroom family members in danger from the actions of Trumps more mentally ill fans. He's been gagged and he does not stop. He puts the Judges daughter out there to be harassed, he rails against the judge's wife and the judge himself on his worthless Truth Social. He has a young lady he has hired (get the cash up front sweetheart) just to peruse the internet for positive stories about him, print them out, and hand them to him as he leaves court so he can have a stack of unnecessary papers to wave around claiming they are all from "legal scholars" who have exonerated him. He violates the gag order literally minutes after being ordered not to. He rants about his martyrdom, his unfair prosecution and exactly what he's been ordered to not discuss. Yet he gets away with it. 

He belongs at Rikers Island yesterday.

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