Monday, March 4, 2024

Squealing for Elvis Trump!!

 It was unanimous. In true reality show tradition, once one person said overturn Colorado, the rest of the cowards jumped onboard to tell Colorado you are evicted. In a surprise to absolutely nobody, The United States Supreme Court voted 9-0 to tell Colorado to put The Defendant back on the ballot so the cult members could mark their X and show all the libs they will burn down the building just to make you mad. 

Thus, the 14th Amendment is basically meaningless. I would expect the ghost of Jefferson Davis to file for ballot access where he would get 100% of the MAGA vote. Like the true fraidy cats they are, SCOTUS said that whoaaaa there Colorado, we don't really have anything against you throwing an insurrectionist off the ballot, but NOT this insurrectionist cuz Congress needs to blah blah blah. So Trump goes on the ballot in Colorado no matter what because states have no power to enforce Section 3 of that pesky 14th Amendment. They can only act in regard to State offices. So if Trump decides to move to Colorado and run for something, yes you can tell him to go take a long trip on a short ski jump, but not if he runs for a federal office. Yep makes sense. In what world Im not sure.

The Trumpster took to the TV to gloat. Showing his normal restrained humility, Trump went off on "Deranged " Jack Smith, tried to figure out how to pronounce Fani, yapped about ISIS, called out Obama for killing an American citizen, mentioned ISIS again, border talk, and threw his hands around a lot. In other words, absolutely nothing to do with what had happened. He just rambled on making his cult happy with non sequiturs and craziness.

Meanwhile, today was the day that the Defendant was supposed to go on trial in DC before Judge Chutkan on his insurrection charges but of course he whined to the Supremes that he had immunity and for some reason the court of bought and paid for whores said yeah sure we will hear it on April 22 and then make a ruling whenever we feel like it because we are here for life, suckers.

This court gives not one fuck what you think any longer because they have no ethics rules (well they do but it's strictly voluntary). They don't care what you think if a justice fails to recuse himself when his nutter wife helped plan to send Democrats to Gitmo and cried on her I'mCrazy phone to Mark Meadows to stop the certification at any cost.  They don't care if you disapprove of their trips to Alaska with billionaires on private planes because they never bother to report it so therefore, it didn't happen. In fact, go suck the tail pipe of a giant RV if you got a problem with gifts from well-known Nazi memorabilia collectors that also happen to be billionaires. In fact, if on April 22 a gigantic dump truck full of money shows up at the back door for distribution, you can just fucking wait until its divvied up.

Suck it, peasants. We live here until WE say we don't.  

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