Friday, February 9, 2024

Ballots and Biden!

 The total semantics that permeated the Supreme Court yesterday in the case of keeping Trump off the Colorado ballot because he's a fucking insurrectionist was unlistenable. It was like the high school debate class where a guy who knows he drew the short straw and has to argue that the Holocaust never happened. Trumps lawyers were playing that game of "officer under the United States" as opposed to "office of the United States" and if the 14th Amendment applies to the President or Vice President because it doesn't actually say those words. Well Holocaust is such a vague word and perhaps it's more of a genocide so therefore the Holocaust really didn't happen. Look, the 14th Amendment was meant to keep the slavery enthusiasts and defeated Confederates from holding office because the voters would probably put them into office because of northern aggression or some such shit. Is Trump a defeated Confederate? Of course he is. No different than Jeff Davis.

But to be honest here, I don't give a damn if that Florida scumbucket is n the ballot or not. I would actually prefer he is on the ballot in Colorado because if he isn't then Nebraska and South Dakota and Iowa and every other red state with gerrymandered legislatures will move to ban Biden from the ballot for being old or something. Hell, they may do that anyway because Republicans have thrown the rule book in the dumpster long ago. The Supreme Court will overturn Colorado 9-0 because they don't want the death threats and Swatting and the Trump goons gathering outside their houses. Probably just as well. 

Now to the 388 page special report on NOT charging Joe Biden for keeping classified documents in his garage and then turning them over to the Archives and the FBI. 388 pages that BEGIN with "we conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter". Yet 387 pages then go into irrelevant Comey like sabotage of a presidential campaign. Special Counsel Robert Hur, a Trump hack, decided to say no jury in the country would convict Biden of anything since he turned over all documents when asked and had his lawyers scrounge around to find even more. As opposed to Mar A Dumpo where we had special rooms full of documents, destruction of evidence by the Defendant, refusal to turn over said documents when asked, and a bathroom used as a doc dump room, not to mention Saint Reagan did the exact same thing Biden did and was never prosecuted. So, no charges. The End.

But nooooooooooo, it's not the end because Robert Hur cannot possibly serve his Orange God without talking about Joe Biden being a doddering old man, nice guy, but with a failing memory and would probably offer a mint or two to the jury and talk about an onion on his belt. Hur goes on and on about how Joe forgot when he was Veep and when his son croaked from burn pit cancer and how he had a mental state not fit for conviction. Well, well, Robert Hur can go fuck himself. This report is more for the Fox News crazies and the shit flinging baboons in the Congress who of course, jumped on the memory stuff like flies on shit. Did Robert Hur get pats on the head? Oh yeah. Who's a good boy? You are that's who! 

Joe Biden has no more memory lapses than the guy from Bedbug A Lago who told Robert Mueller he couldn't remember more than 30 times and that was 5 years ago. No more memory lapses than the cro- magnon Rep from Northwest Georgia, cross fit nitwit MTG,  who said she "couldn't recall" over and over on her questioning on her 14th amendment hearing. No more memory lapses than Jesse Waters, the sexually harassing Bill O'Reilly bitch, who thinks Kristi Noem is Governor of South Carolina. No more memory lapses than closet case, Mike Johnson, who confused Iran with Israel. And certainly, no more memory lapses than Senator Marsha "Bag O Hair' Blackburn who has no idea where she is due to her brain being rotted out by excess Aqua Net fumes.

Joe Biden is old. Yeah, big whoop. Is he my favorite candidate? Nope. But he is the candidate, and I will vote for him to save democracy from that rabble of Trump trash that thinks the 2020 election was "stollen" cuz of Italian spy satellites and dead Venezuelans changing votes. Mental illness is far worse than being old. Give me the "doddering old man' over the "syphilis brained maniac" who scares the entire Senate, House and Supreme Court into kowtowing to his insanity because they don't want death threats and ridiculously obscene voice mails from the Trump BrainTrust.

Meanwhile, Joe took to a news conference to show us how fucking old he is. And like the bad ass he is, the Scranton Scrapper murdered Fox News Peter Doocy.


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