Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Nikki Haley!


She isn't quitting, Donnie. At least not yet. Nikki Haley is going to drive Donald F Trump crazy, at least for another week or so. She is a thorn in his flabby side. She is going to call him old, a has been, the past, and he is going to attack her because how dare you challenge the alpha male with the orange bronzer and the ill-fitting suits.

Look, Haley isn't going to win, or even get close. Independents and Democrats fueled her 43% of the vote. But as long as she refuses to quit, she is going to drive Trump nuts. A woman named Nimrata is the worst nightmare for Trump, who stated he "gets even" and threatened to weaponize the DOJ against her if he wins in November. He claimed there were "5 things" she didn't want to talk about and then in typical Trump fashion, he just dropped it. He has no idea what those 5 things are, but like Joe McCarthy, he just spews diarrhea out of his tiny mouth and the cultists cheer. 

I have no love for Nikki Haley. She's just as terrible as the rest of them. Ever since she went too far for MAGA when she took down the Confederate flag from the statehouse in response to a white supremacist murdering 9 black church goers in South Carolina, Nikki Haley has been shifting to knuckle dragging conservative. She said she would sign a national abortion ban, probably support government shutdowns, doesn't care for the LGBTQ folks, and is terrible on immigration. But at least she believes in democracy, I think. Haley is more of the traditional Republican, a believer in tax cuts for the wealthy, trickle down nonsense and a strong national defense as opposed to these MAGA America First nuts. 

Haley is going to stay in, despite the South Carolina rats like Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham supporting Trump. Every second she stays in will take its toll on The Election Denier. He hates opposition but what really hates is women standing up to his bullying ways. Trump gave his "victory speech" with a venom unlike any other "winner". He called former tabs keeper, press secretary and liar Kayleigh McEnaney a RINO which has become a term for anybody calling out Trump. He is supposedly upset with Arkansas hillbilly and Governor Sarah Sanders for dragging her feet on endorsing him. He hates women unless they are letting him grab their pussy.

As long as Nikki Haley denies reality and continues her doomed quest for the Republican nomination, I'm right there. Watching Trump take a win and turn it into a screed filled bitter rant makes me very happy.

But as they say in the South. Bless her heart.

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