Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Iowa Caucus Supports Rapist!

 Last night a very "diverse" crowd of Iowans gathered together in school buildings they hate, socialist fire stations, and commie social halls to stick a vote into a hat or a popcorn box and then have it counted by partisan precinct "captains". This crowd of election deniers held their own little "secure" election and anointed a convicted rapist, a traitor and a guy facing 91 felonies and real-life jail time. Donald F Trump picked up 51% of the white vote. Ron DeFascist finished second with 22% and Nimrata Haley. who spend millions annoying the shit out of Nebraskans with her tedious television ads, stumbled home in the show position with 19%.  The resident fast talking kook, Vivek Ramaswamy, only managed to fool 7% of Iowa Republicans and he be gone now. Kowtowing his miniscule support to the Traitorous Rapist, Ramaswamy now can continue to lick Trump's boots and get love from dummies who think a monorail is feasible. 

Iowa is irrelevant yet is treated like some sort of soothsayer when for months, candidates who wouldn't be caught dead in that midwestern hellhole show up to eat corndogs, lick up butter and step in cow shit while wearing flannel. But the media plays right along cuz they need to fill 24 hours of crap every single day. Look, in a past life I was right in the middle of this process, a media member, and talked to a lot of candidates and a lot of rubes for months prior to the caucus. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. I stood in a classroom, observed both parties' bicker at each other, and stared open mouthed as people moved to corners of the room and stood there. It's a ridiculous way to nominate a candidate for President. Not to mention Iowa gets it wrong a lot. Ask President Pat Robertson, President Rick Santorum, President Ted Cruz and President Mike Huckabee. You notice a pattern here? Yep, Iowa Republicans are white religious nationalists more so than the rest of the country. Again, it is nonsense.

The fact Trump was rejected by 49% of these "Christian" nationalists is a bigger deal than him "winning" 51%. A full 33% of Republican voters say if the Defendant is convicted of a felony, and he WILL be convicted, they arent voting for him. Thats significant at least for now. Yes, if Trump is nominated, a lot of that 33% will end up voting for him, but a lot will not. Thats still significant.

Iowa has 788,000 registered Republicans. The Perp got 56,000 votes. That's 7% of the GOP vote. So again WHY does anybody care about this state and its 94% white population? It is skewed. And it is truly an economic fraud that this caucus is. Millions are pumped into the state's economy every 4 years, and this is why Iowa will protect this at all costs. It's too bad anybody cares anbout this.

The winner of the Iowa caucuses is one man.

Joe Biden.  

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