Thursday, November 30, 2023

Welcome To Hell!

 Henry Kissinger, who has led my annual dead pool list for decades, has finally drowned in his self-made bathtub of blood. Today the world is a better place than it was just two days ago when that genocidal maniac was still breathing. The man was evil, pure fucking evil, and was responsible for millions of people, mostly not white, being dead. His entire life was one of genocide, war crimes, meddling, and loving the spotlight that the elite gave him at the cocktail parties and events honoring this mass murderer.

Kissinger was responsible for so many unnecessary killings, all to benefit him and his benefactors, he certainly belongs on the list that includes Mao and Stalin and Hitler and Pol Pot. If you don't care about dead foreigners. as he did not. perhaps you care about 20,000 dead Americans from 1969-1975 in Vietnam. Kissinger and his fellow hell dweller, Richard Nixon, sabotaged the 1968 Paris Peace Talks that were on the way to ending that illegal and immoral war, in order to hang the war around Hubert Humphreys neck and gain power. Kissinger should have died in federal prison but instead limousined his way around the world in luxury and admiration. The motherfucker got the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the war that could have ended in 1968, saving 20,000 Americans and untold hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese. Disgraceful.

He signed off on Chilean coups that resulted in the death of thousands of Chileans who had duly elected Salvator Allende. Pinochet, an actual convicted war criminal, was Kissinger's choice to rid Chile of democracy. He signed off on Pakastani massacres of Hindus, Indonesian Massacres of East Timor residents, Argentinian juntas. genocide in Cambodia, and the harassment of American liberals. 

I don't wish death on people, but if anybody needed to die and enter hell, it's this monster. The man had no morality, no ethics, no decency and no right to be alive at 100 years old while children died due to his indifference to humanity.

Kisinger was so amoral, so heinous, that he reportedly said after Israel violated a 1973 cease fire. "If it w re not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. Any people who have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong" An antisemitic Jewish guy.  Thats him. A total misanthrope with nefarious intent.

This corrupt human never stopped being corrupt. Right up to his 100th birthdate he was convinced his world view of kill em all and let God sort em out was still valid. He continued to "advise" the world's most depraved leaders to continue the depravity. 

As Nixon welcomed this malignant human to hell, I'm sure they plotted to continue to unleash evil onto the world they no longer inhabit.  

 Save this hell bound miscreant a seat, Henry, you wicked assassin. 

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