Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday Ramblings!

Hamas, Israel, Palestinians oh my. First off the atrocities of Hamas are mind boggling and the thought that alleged humans like this exist in the world is troubling. Second, the marching on college campuses of young people chanting "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is also troubling. 80% if not more of these idiots chanting it have no fucking idea what that means other than its a cute rhyme. It's a call for the destruction of the Jewish people and if you DO know that you are a monster. Third, Benjamin Netanyahu is a bribe taking scumbag (Israel's Trump) who probably belongs in jail. He holds off the mob of Israelis who hate his guts by responding to an act of war by the way all politicians do. Create a crisis, bomb the shit out of innocents, wrap yourself in the flag and holler a lot. See 2003 Iraq and 2002 Afghanistan. And fourth, this is so complicated that nobody knows what to do. Its probably somewhere between turn Gaza into a parking lot (the American right) and kill all the Jews (the American far left and the American far right). 

The Trumps on trial. Where, may you ask? Atlanta, DC, Miami or NYC. Well, this week it's in NYC as the spawns of Satan are forced to testify. The Sgt Schultz defense of I know nothing I see nothing seems to be the defense strategy set forth by Trumps spokesmodel lawyer. Meanwhile, the privileged Trump kids treat it as a joke. Junior joked about makeup, Eric denied it all until confronted with emails and then homina homina homina'd his way thru it. Vanky attempted to delay her "testimony" by claiming it was undue hardship because it came during a "school week" though for some reason that didn't matter when she attended a Kardashian birthday party the week before. These people are trash. Period.

The Texas Rangers won the World Series? They did? When was this held? Baseball (my fave) is a fucking sinking ship. 

The new Speaker of the House, a truly evil bigot and homophobe named Mike Johnson. is on the edge of darkness 24/7 365. He's catering to the Crazy Caucus, another band of evil bigots and worse, dumbshits and phonies. The GOP House is passing bills they know are DOA in the Senate and claiming how hard working they are after shutting the House down for 17 days. Thus far The Crazy Caucus has abandoned Ukraine, stood up for wealthy tax cheats, increased the deficit by $12 billion while claiming they did not, and attempted to censure a Democratic Congresswoman for not toeing the line on their Armageddon fantasies of Jewish folks being killed and Jesus coming back. Truly despicable as is the lame ass attempt to expel George "The Imposter" Santos before he's convicted of anything. Bad precedent folks. The guy is dead meat anyway and will only serve to make you campaign money.

The polls are meaningless at this point. The election is a year away. So what if Biden is tied with Trump in Nov 2023? Trump has plenty of time to keep yapping his treasonous mouth and jizz up his rather dimbulb base of deplorables. But every time he opens his yak, he does not gain any votes, he loses them . Keep talking Donnie. Now is Biden too old? Absolutely. Should he quit the race? Absolutely. I don't want 82-year-olds in charge of anything. But the choice is clear to people who say both the 81-year-old and the 77-year-old are too old, and the meaningless polls show this, that Biden wins that race 61% to 15%. So, who's panicking? Not me. Not now.  

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