Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday Thoughts!

1) For the love of Bear Bryant, Alabama, you sent this ex football coach to the Senate instead of a decent guy named Doug Jones who had prosecuted the crackers who blew up the 16th Street Baptist church and killed 3 little black girls...Oh I get it now. Chinless crackers gotta chinless cracker. 

Tommy Tuberville is holding up military promotions because he dont care for those wimmen in the military gettin abortions and lettin the military pay for travel because certain states run by ex-football coach types and self-hating women won't let them get the procedure in states where the bases are. Tuberville, who without a doubt is the dumbest man in the Senate perhaps ever, continues to keep his stranglehold on national security because he wants all women to birth babies, especially the white ones,  he and his GOP colleagues can ignore after the first breath. I once saw Tuberville, coaching for Texas Tech, stick 14 players on the field during not one but two plays in a meaningless blow out of Kansas . Tuberville is not smart folks and he proves it every goddamned day. Thanks Alabama.

2) California Senator Diane Feinstein has died of being 90. She has been in bad shape for a few years now but stuck out the Weekend at Bernie's existence the Senate Democrats forced upon her because an even worse group of scumbags, the Senate GOP, would have refused to replace her on the Judiciary Committee and gummed up any new judges Joe Biden nominated with 7-7 votes. 

Feinstein was not perfect or even coherent the last few years but at one point she was in pure "First Woman (fill in the blank) " whether it be Mayor or Senator. She had her times at being brilliant and an advocate for gun regulations. Who can forget the 2013 version of a beardless ferret named Ted Cruz attempting to mansplain the 2nd Amendment to the 80-year-old Senate veteran who suffered no fools. She took Cruz's arrogance and shoved it back up his ass from whence it came.

RIP Diane. You were great for many years. I'm sure the GOP base will be very kind in its condolences 

3) Government shutdowns. They suck and they're always the results of far right wingnuts posturing for the GOP base prior to an election year. We need to cut spending and taxes, we need to reinforce the border to keep the browns out, we need to allow Russian murderers to do whatever they want, we need to starve the poor children we secretly enjoy to make our racist tropes. All day today the House and its really terrible actors faking outrage that it's not us shutting the government but the Democrats and their spending (the House is the purse not Joe Biden). 

The GOP House is being run by Neanderthals, ex strippers, statutory rapists, goateed yelling  confederates, self aggrandizing grifters and ex felons, GED failures, and power mad phonies.  As long as they exist the shit storm will continue. Vote them all out.

4) Curt Schilling is a piece of shit. He always has been whether he's smearing blood on his sock pitching for the Red Sox, taking government money because his business fails, expressing anti-Semitic tropes, or just being a MAGA asshole, Schilling is on a mission to be such a monster that he will never get into the Baseball Hall of Fame (which he doesn't belong in anyway) and thus can claim he's a martyr to the MAGA cause.

Schilling, a true teenager I wanna be first to tell you mode, disclosed that former Red Sox pitcher and general good dude, Tim Wakefield, has brain cancer. Then he also disclosed that Wakefield's wife also suffers from cancer just to compound his dickwadery. The problem is that Wakefield's family didn't want it out there. Being private people, it was NOT their wish to share this with the general public. But what does Schilling care? It's about him, not some beloved knuckleballer from the past. As far as I'm concerned, I'd put Tim Wakefield in the Hall of Fame (which will never happen) before I'd let a loud-mouthed cretin like Schilling in. 


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