Friday, June 9, 2023

Karma Is Here!

 He's fucked. He should have been fucked decades ago but all in all Donald Trump has been avoiding the hangman since the 1970s. 

Read that indictment. The guy is guilty of treason, and this is not me screeching that he's a traitor and suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Its right there and if you refuse to take it seriously you are either in a cult or you're simple not a serious person.

Jack Smith is a prosecutor of some of the worst people on earth. And with this indictment he continues that history of ridding the world of wastes of air. Bravo sir.

The Republican sycophants are currently right there sticking up for this guy who sucks the air out of the world and destroys anything he puts his tiny little fingers on. And he will destroy the suck ups eventually as he throws them into the way to save his own ass. The fear of the thuggish cult members of MAGA and what violence they are capable of drives these people. The fear of being voted out by a diminishingly loud bunch of shrieking baboons in red hats also drives them. Please dont primary me. Please dont show up at my office in masks and threaten my staff. This is what drives them now.

But eventually this is gonna fade. Politicians are spineless, gutless and willing to throw their own children into the path of political defeat if they have to. There is no honor among these thieves. But sooner rather than later the burden of defending a scumbag like Trump is going to be too great.

The Nikki Haleys, the Vivek Whatevers, the Pences, the Stefaniks, the Maces, the ones who aren't truly crazy, will dump Trump like a hot potato. Only the truly insane ones, the Greenes , the Boeberts, the Hawleys, the Tubervilles, the Blackburns will stick with him right into federal prison. The Cruz's of the world, guys truly spinless who show a great fealty to this orange orangutan will simply stop taking about him. And the lazy friendly press will not call them out.

Yeah Ron DeSantis , a far more dangerous person than Trump, is going to become the darling of the nutjobs. His fascist views are right up their alley. He's their true cult leader, they just dont know it yet because DeSantis has the personality of every bully people hated in high school not to mention the snotty teenager cheerleader girlfriend looking down her nose at them. Let's just hope the MAGA dopes stick with a cult of personality like Trump and don't move over to DeSantis. Since DeSantis has no personality, it would be a tough move over for most of MAGA.

I have no doubt that Donald Fucking Trump is finished after 76 years of cheating, lying, being disloyal and trying to be another Roy Cohn. 76 years of karma is here, motherfucker, and its name is Jack Fucking Smith.

1 comment:

  1. YUP! Yes it is treason and he was committing treason for the most part from day one because that's the type of slug he is.
