Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Hey look I love the seasons of Girls 5 Eva as they were funny, relevant and the tunes were poppy. Did I mention funny? The touring musical Six came to town this week intent on making every teen aged girls week. After years of Tik Tok videos of virtually every song in this show being lip synced by teenagers, the show is here. And the Orpheum Theater was full of teens and their Moms and me...a sixty something year old man. This is not going to go well for me.

Six is a musical about the six wives of Henry VIII....."herstory"...divorced.. beheaded.. died.. divorced.. beheaded...survived starts it all off. You can tell from the get go that this is energized for a young audience, an audience who loves Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Sia, Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Eilish, Selena Gomez and the rest of the auto tuned wonders of the present day. The lights, the all female band, more lights, and lots of dancing. It rouses the crowd from the outset sending the teens into a frenzy. The screeching and loud reactions to the most mundane of events is cool to see from a distance, it's kind of like observing a strange society you are not a part of any longer. Hey look I'm an old guy and the dance techno songs with indecipherable lyrics were just not getting to me at all. 

And then "Jane Seymour", wife 3,  does what we used to call a power ballad. And she soars. And I am back in. But then it goes back to the energetic enthusiasm met by more screeches and sending me back into old man land.

Hey look, I've put up with a lot of shit I didn't want to go to over the years to please the kid. And the Moms who took their daughters to this Tik Tok flavored musical deserve credit. The kids loved it, I'm sure many of the Moms did also.

I didn't hate it. It was what it was. Not geared to me. But there's no denying there's lots of talent on that stage. Say who picked up Girls 5 Eva anyway?

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