Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Tex Abbott!

 Yeah that tweet above isn't entirely real but there's nothing in it that isn't true. A little added line to the start of the Xmas greeting and perhaps the waste of space and air that is Texas Governor Greg Abbott would think that is just fine because it endears him to the base of lumps that re-elected him to "fix"stuff after he has been in office for 8 years.

Greg Abbott celebrated the birthday of his lord and savior, Jesus (Geee-zus not Hay-zeus) Christ, by sending 130 immigrants who crossed the Texas border seeking a better life, kind of like when after that tree fell on Abbott he sought a better life by suing insurance companies and getting at least $5 million dollars, heavy on the at least, via bus to New York City so he could own the libs. The bus was re routed because of that snowy inconvenience going on in the East and the stunt concluded with the freezing cold men women and children being dumped in front of the Veeps house cuz if you have to own the libs you can kill the whole black AND female thing in one cruel swoop.

Because there are far more good people in the world, these poor brown people were taken care of with blankets and shelter and food, something Abbott wouldn't even pretend to understand. Abbott sent a letter to Joe Biden just to show what a horrible prick he is compared to Joe because being a horrible prick is fish guts to the sharky like blood lust of the Republican base. Abbott said in his screed that the lives of these "migrants" were put at risk because El Paso temperatures had dipped into the 20s at night and a hellish like 45 degrees in the day. So, of course, being the "humanitarian" that Abbott portrays himself to be he shipped them to a place where temps were ranging between 10 and 22 degrees with a wind chill making it seem worse. Oh my, Republican compassion is just so owning the libs isnt it?

Abbott, who presumably sat around the night the ordered the bus trip watching A Christmas Carol cheering for Scrooge and Its a Wonderful Life thinking that Mister Potter is a fine man, can rest easily knowing that the very libs he thinks he owned lived up to being REAL followers of good christian values and took care of the frightened HUMAN refugees he sent off into the night.

For guys like Abbott and Ron DeSantis, human beings don't exist other than to be used to prop themselves up and feed their ambitions. Abbott got crushed by a tree and became an even bigger asshole. DeSantis' wife got cancer and HE became an even bigger asshole. Much like Louisiana swamp creature Steve Scalise who got fucking shot and became an even bigger asswipe. Yet all three are dedicated to their Savior, the Middle Easterner with the compassion of ya know, a lib.

You know what else boys? There are 130 refugees who wanted a room at the spacious inn. You clowns all said no. Jesus wept. That's Geee-zus fellas. The guy you are supposed to try and emulate. 

Oh hell just fuck all of ya.

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