Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Thoughts On Parade!

 Well its not over. There's like a Dumb and Dumber chance that the Democrats maintain control of the hissing possums and insane crazies that permeate the House. Probably not but I never give up hope until that Colorado cretin Boebert is deemed the winner of her race then of course claim fraud and call for the Antifa gang to roll around the courthouse on their bicycles chanting something stupid. No of course not, our side concedes like one is supposed to unlike the other side who thinks the white bubble they live in is all that matters and election should be determined by how many Twitter followers each candidate has, bots included. So that is up in the air.

Nonetheless , chances are the GOAT, Nancy The Great will not be Speaker any longer come January. That whole GOP clusterfuck coming will be so entertaining but anyway, as of now the Democrats have the majority and need to do shit NOW. The lame duck session features Nancy's last stand, and as the theory goes, make it count.

The Republicans, led by some of the dumbest people who have ever graced the halls of the Capitol , like Rick Scott, Kevin McCarthy and their tiny little followers like Lindsey Graham and Steve Scalise. put it in writing, IN WRITING, that the GOP would cut Social Security and Medicare, outlaw abortion on a national level, and cut taxes even further to their rich donors. They would hold up the debt ceiling vote, perhaps even wreck the world's economy, in order to accomplish the destruction of Social Security and Medicare, and Mitch McConnell even said, OUT LOUD, it was a "hostage worth taking" back when they tried it last time. Yeah, again., they are who they say they are, and they will do as they say they do, so something needs to be done NOW.

Nancy Pelosi's swan song is to deal with the debt ceiling NOW, during the lame duck session and take it away from the vandals of the GOP who will use it next quarter. Do what she says , Democrats. Steal their weapons while you can and make the Republican Civil War that much more popcorn and butter fun. 

The sudden disruption to the Trump is God cult is already starting. Fox News has abandoned ship to promote Ron DeSantis (Fascist-Fl) to head cultmaster. Many former allies of the Espionager in Chief have also taken a powder hoping the dimbulbs who vote Republican will forget their former subservience to a madman rapist in chief. Donald who?

Unfortunately for the Elephant in the room, the trash that still drools and swoons over the sight of the  orange shit stirrer in chief is still there. They may be fewer in number but they are LOUDER than ever, especially now that they are cornered animals with guns and flags. They keep losing but that doesn't matter, like the little children they are, it was rigged or stolen or only white people should be allowed to vote. They just keep screeching and wait for orders from Mar A Lago.

You still have a problem, GOP.  It's that gaggle of goons that took dumps on the Capitol in the name of freedom. They still are yours. The types you would never invite to your parties. Kind of like the Scumbag in Chief used to be. You woke it up, now deal with it.

Kari Lake (Vacuumer-Az)  finally lost. The filtered phony, really she's just an asshole, will throw her feces around like a pissed off spider monkey for a while. She will walk out of interviews, she will claim she won, she will trash McCain, she will continue to pledge allegiance to the Trump train wreck. But at some point she will realize she's a total loser, again just an asshole, and take that job on Fox News alongside fellow asshole loser, Tulsi Gabbard. It will turn out thats all this was about for both of them. Get the money. Be just as big of an asswipe as to ensure your loss, then grab the money from the billionaires who cater to the rubes. That was Trumps plan after all then OOPS for the whole world. Since I don't watch the Murdoch mess, Kari Lake will go back to what she does best, being a purified prick. Hope the Fox filters are top notch.

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