Monday, November 21, 2022

Colorado Springs!

 Hey look I've been to Colorado Springs as late as last August... I am not a fan of the place because its full of hardcore Christianity and right wing fanaticism but unfortunately it has things near it we like. The people there seem nice, I am sure there's cool people stuck in a 2nd Amendment sanctuary city much like I am stuck in the scenery less right wing hellhole called Nebraska. We had some nut shoot up a Von Maur here years ago and there was no agenda to that 17 year old kook other than he wanted to be "famous". I cannot even remember his name so he failed and fuck him anyway.

But in The Springs the other night, a bunch of people who must feel like outcasts went to a club to have fun, dance, watch a drag show, and be fucking safe. Well they were not safe because a grandson of a MAGA freak and the son of a gun nut took his long gun to the Club Q and opened fire on a bunch of people who were not hurting his miserable existence in any way. He killed 5 people who had done nothing to him, and wounded another 25 or so before a couple of club goers kicked his ass and took him down. 2 unarmed men, brave enough to risk their own lives to save others took this monster down. And though the whole sordid affair took less than 3 minutes, 5 people are dead and numerous others have had their lives changed forever. Goddammit will this EVER stop?

This was done in an atmosphere of hatred and bigotry unseen in years. The recent election brought out the GOP goons and their battering of "drag shows" and "groomers" and "pedophiles" and blaming the LGBTQ community of all sorts of shit they didn't do. Now I wont speculate on what goes on deep down inside the GOP thugs minds but what it does result in is THIS. Weak minded gunmen, emboldened by these stupid people and their bigotry, and supplied arms by soulless politicians looking for the votes of a LOUD number of humans who just love their guns more than their families, kids and certainly strangers.

I am not naive enough to think any politicians in the 2nd Amendment sanctuary city of Colorado Springs will change their minds about anything. Much like here in Nebraska where the only "progress" made after the Von Maur massacre is that pretty soon it will be legal for any yahoo to walk around packing without so much as 1 minute of training because its in the 2nd Amendment y'all. 

I hate guns. I don't own one. But as time goes on,  and the Trump cult continues to breathe air, I am thinking that whole gun thing over. This country's politicians suck.

Oh yeah and my idea is to station two gay men in every school in this nation to take down any potential mass murderer with a gun. They seem to be the only group willing to risk it all to stop a madman.

Now THATS a "grooming" we can all get in line for.

PS--Richard Fierro is the man who first attempted to take this idiot out. He is a hero. A goddamned hero

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