Tuesday, November 1, 2022

But Those Gas Prices!!!

It's a week away. One week from now this country decides which route to take. A route of suppression, a backwards step to a time of white male supremacy, a route of christian nationalism, not a step back to 1950 but a step back to 1776 in effect before the country was founded. Or do we reject this new fascism and its peddlers and get back on the highway forward?

Being an optimist deep down while outwardly being a pessimist is hard. I still have that pilot light of hope that America is not a nation of assholes and bigots and stupid. But that light is about out. The predictions of GOP control and the GOP "promises" of investigations and accountability and not much else are very disturbing. The "Commitment to America" holds a large swath of nothing. There are no plans to combat inflation or spending. It's all simplistic bullshit like they know their base aint too bright. While we all  know with certainty that inflation is being pushed by corporate greed, record profits, supply chain issues and a sort of conspiracy by Republicans and Corporate America to keep the economy unstable. And it may work. 

The problem with all of this is the only alternative to high gas prices and the price of eggs (what?) is fascism. Look, man, the GOP isn't going to do a goddamned thing economically except give more tax cuts to their donors and pay for it with cuts to Social Security and Medicare using the same old trickle down horseshit. it will be all about revenge on all the stuff the GOP doesnt like. Impeach Biden, impeach Garland, impeach Harris, investigate Fauci, somehow get House Speaker Wingnut McWingnut into the Presidency (yeah I know its a virtual impossibility at this point) and then its truly over.

Look, if we vote we kill them. They will die like a vampire in the sunlight. But whether we vote is an every two year struggle. The "liberal"media, protecting its profits at all costs, give us people like Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd and Joe Scarborough blathering about the closeness of the races and how "both sides" do the bad stuff like hit 82 year old men in the head with hammers. Its maddening,

Earlier today Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone, a man beaten and tazed by Trump enraged white trash called Republican Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake a "piece of shit". Chrissakes if Id been moderating that I'd have started mentioning names, Ted Cruz, Blake Masters, JD Vance, Greg Abbott, Dr Oz, Dan Bolduc, John Cornyn, Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Tudor Dixon, Tim Michel, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz again, Kari Lake again and the big shit himself, Donald Trump just to hear Fanone call all of them pieces of shit too.But no, this juvenile country and its "liberal" media was more offended at the word "shit" than the word "fascism".

I'm down today. Fuck it, burn it down and start over again. On the other hand my pilot light struggles to stay lit.

Vote! And rip up that future US flag.

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