Saturday, October 22, 2022

Owning The Libs, Literally!

 Its 17 days until the country decides if democracy and protocol are preferable to fascism and chaos. But those gas prices! My eggs! My bread! My drugs! As if the Republicans have a plane....well for THAT anyway. They do not.

But they DO have plans for other shit. A recent article in the Federalist, thats a magazine for fascists who love kangaroo courts, hanging judges, unqualified judges, and owning the libs at all costs. Read the goddamned thing. Conservatives have failed (basically because libs still exist) thus conservatism must turn to authoritarianism and call themselves revolutionaries . Its simply time for right wing America to become the Amerikkka that leftists have hollered about for years. For their own good of course.

They argue that simply choosing to not be married or have children is a direct attack on "religious" people. That the refusal to procreate will leave even less "religious" people in the future thus destroying religion. Its an attack. The atheists are at the gate!

They argue that the left, the libs, are not to be negotiated with. The counter revolutionaries (ie conservatives) must "wield power" because give libs a meter   inch they take a kilometer  mile. Take Gay marriage for instance. You give em the right to marry and the next thing they do is "persecute" a cake maker. Trying to keep it together here.

The article continues :

The left will only stop when conservatives stop them, which means conservatives will have to discard outdated and irrelevant notions about “small government.” The government will have to become, in the hands of conservatives, an instrument of renewal in American life — and in some cases, a blunt instrument indeed.


Stay married, stay in the closet, have more white babies, stay the gender you were born with....or else the blunt instrument of the government will come down on you like it should have on the blacks and the browns and the Asians.

This is at the point the Federalist asks that once they win the "war", will they give up power? Well that remains to be seen. Thus Hell No. 

The article goes on to say that there is no other way to stop progress. This Federalist  plan must be implemented and if you think the GOP isn't onboard here you're nuts.

They are correct on one point. This is a "war". We cannot afford to lose it.

But those gas prices has become the new but her emails.

On November 8th, you have two choices. Fight or Surrender.

I'm fighting.

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