Thursday, October 27, 2022

Fetterman And Other Stuff!

 There was a Pennsylvania Senate Debate two nights ago, did ya hear? The Democratic nominee, a guy named John Fetterman (he had a stroke ya know) and the Republican nominee, a Trump endorsed snake oil salesman "doctor" unleashed on us by Oprah, Mehmet Oz, battled it out on a stage and apparently nobody listened to a word that was said because Fetterman (he had a stroke ya know) failed to drool on himself but had trouble speaking (he had a stroke ya know). Despite the fact that Oz wants any woman to call her local weed commissioner or library board member to consult on having an abortion, all anybody in the pres could talk about was Fetterman (he had a stroke right).

NBC News said Democrats are on edge about Fetterman (had a stroke) CNN came up with a guy, an alleged Fetterman supporter who exclaimed "it was tough", The Guardian said it was "disastrous", Business Insider was "sympathetic", The NY Times "raised Democratic anxieties", Philadelphia Inquirer Democrats were "shaken" and Go Phillies, Axios "painful", Wall Street Journal "October Surprise"  , Pittsburgh Post Gazette "medical experts weigh in", cuz you know the Fetterman had a stroke. For fucks sake Greg Abbott cant walk, Herschel Walker has CTE, Tammy Duckworth is missing limbs, two sitting Congress critters have had strokes, Donald Trump has untreated syphilis (I kid I kid) and Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cruz have no spines yet nothing is beat into your head like this.

Republican "sympathy" was in full measure. Joe Scarborough, a true sock puppet, expresses his "concern", Stephen Miller, the rafter hanging bat faced Nazi, says he's "concerned", Megan McCain, whose father had a terminal brain tumor and served in the Senate, yacks about her "concern" and yes its pretend....How do I make fun of a guy without looking like a Trumpian troll doll? Express CONCERN when all you really want is to remind everyone Fetterman HAD A STROKE thus making him unfit and please elect a con artist named Oz who wants women to call the local school board person to ask if she can have an abortion. THATS the real story and the ONLY story that matters! Dr Oz thinks women should have to call the local community college board to ask if she can have Herschel Walkers baby aborted? 

Justice Sam Alito, a liar dog, spoke to the Heritage Foundation (what the fuck is a sitting SCOTUS judge talking to that band of right wing fascists?) and began crying about how threatened he felt after the leak  from one of Clarence Thomas' staffers or wife  an unknown source said that Roe was about to be overturned. We became "targets for assassination"  he whined . This could have given people rational reason to kill one of them to prevent that from happening. Off the fainting couch for a second Sammy. Even if one of them would have been gunned down, the decision still goes through. The mental case who was going to "kill" Kavs (another mental case) called 911 to turn himself in so stop running with that false narrative. Alito carried on with oh its just fine to criticize the Court, but if you state the court is "illegitimate" or lacks "integrity" that's a line you cannot cross in Sams mind. Yeah despite the fact a raging lunatic traitorous felon with the help of a madman turtle like power monger appointed 3 of these dipshits you cannot question their character! 

Alito was also all butthurt that Justice Elena Kagan used the word "legitimacy" and said the court appeared to be "an extension of politics". Oh my word, there's that crossed line again . Alito has lots of lines you can't cross or he gets all offended.  And apparently expanding the court, ya know to keep up with the times, would be the ONLY thing that would question the legitimacy of this court. 

Sorry Sam, though Kagan didnt come right out and say it, some of us will. Your court is an illegitimate band of  partisan hacks appointed by the worst and the 2nd worst Presidents of all time. And 2 of them are downright results of a bloodless coup. Not to mention WHY are you talking, you aren't even the Chief Justice, some jellyfish is.

Please Vote Blue!

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