Friday, September 2, 2022

Joe Biden!

 Well it had to be done. Better late than never. When you're ahead you don't play not to lose. That's the mistake so many make either in sports or politics, you get what you perceive as an insurmountable lead and then you attempt to coast home . Hey look. for us olds, Secretariat didn't pile up a 25 length lead in that Belmont, then wander over to get a hot dog in the stretch cuz he couldn't lose, nope he kept going full blast and won by 31. Biden is Secretariat at this point. He has been persuaded to abandon the compromising nice guy routine , which is who he really is, and step on the throat of the GOP and what it has become.

Look, we saw a piece of camel dung like Donald Trump never let up, appealing to the lowest common denominator of America, bring forth the white supremacy in everyday people that had always laid low, and resurrect the 1950s attitudes held by so many white working people who feel left behind (AKA we are in charge and should always be so). Now of course these working white people (translation in GOP language "hard working Americans) have no idea it's the GOP that will fuck them over again and again because there's all those "weirdos"in the "Democrat" party.

Biden stood in front of Independence Hall, lit in red white and blue, and let the GOP have it. He called them out on virtually everything they've done. Manipulate the great unwashed into becoming the violent anything goes to win fascists as a threat to democracy. Not semi fascists, these creeps have gone full fascist and in some cases full blown Nazi (Florida Man Ron). Biden railed against these MAGA morons, the phonies in the Republican party who enable them, are frightened by them, and do what they say all in the name of a tax cheat, spy, liar, traitorous twat named Trump. 

The GOP has gotten away with bullying the Democrats for years. The Democrats cant stop thinking that if they argue common sense, people will eventually come around. NO! They will not. People are emotional beings and the GOP appeals to those emotions. Fright. Bigotry. More Fright. Hatred. Fright. Every right gained by someone else is one you lose. And they get away with it because Democrats refuse to "go low" (dumbest thing Michelle ever said). Look I have said this for 40 years . The Republican Party struck a nerve in the late 70s when they went full blown racist. Pushing forward a nice old gentlemen actor that could express a kind of out of fashion Archie Bunker bigotry without threatening anyone. We laughed at Archie Bunker in the early 70s and by 1980 we had elected him. The Republicans have been pushing it for 40 years. The Dems (translation minorities) are out to get you. They're comin. The loudmouthed women, the gays, the blacks, the browns, and now the trans. Threatening to make your kids accepting of something you don't like. So kill the schools, burn the books, ban the CRT, put "God" back in the schools and make America the myth it once was. 

Maybe now Biden has thrown down the gauntlet. We aren't taking it anymore. Your lies and threats don't work any longer. We are fighting the fuck back and we have the numbers and this scares the living shit out of the GOP powers that be. They threw themselves on the fainting couch, called a Biden a fascist, claimed he had gone to war with "half the country" (oh how they wish) and photo shopped the pictures into a Biden demon coming forth from Hell! And ya know what, I don't care.

The people making the most noise with the phony outrage, you know the ones who secretly wish Donald Trump would finally just drop dead, were already on the pivot horse. Waiting to throw that traitorous Trump blob off the ship at first opportunity. But now they have in effect been forced to go back to the radicalized racists they are because MAGA is pissed. Look, none of these manipulative bullshit artists would EVER vote for Joe Biden or a Democrat because they aren't about country they are about themselves and power. The Nikki Haleys, the Elise Stefaniks, the Lindsey Grahams, the Ted Cruz's are not real personas. They are smarter than the Boeberts and the Greenes and the Blackburns and the Hawleys and the Biggs and the Imhofes. But they are also much more dangerous because they can become whatever they need to be for power. None of MAGA would ever vote for a Democrat. Ever. Biden may realize this now. So insulting them, crushing them, calling them fascists does NOT lose him one vote. In fact it gains him votes. Us lefties now are behind him 100%.

Fuck MAGA. Keep shouting it from the rooftops. Bullies cant take a fight back. And finally, Joe Biden has had enough of the bullying to take them on in the front yard. 

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