Friday, August 12, 2022

The Rosenbergs and The Trumps!

 Guy on left? Donald Trumps lawyer Roy Cohn, a self hating homosexual who was instrumental in getting the two on the right, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg,  zapped in the electric chair for selling nuclear secrets to the Soviets. Well what goes around comes around and the connection between convicted spies and Donald J Trump is now secured. 

The FBI serving of a search warrant on Monday caused GOPer after GOPer to go crazy in  comparing the FBI and The DOJ to the Gestapo and the KGB and the Stasi (that one took some smarty intern to come up with) and the Sesame Street street gang. And then Garland spoke. He actually spoke. Meticulously explaining procedure and answering all questions to any reasonable person and putting the pickle ball in Trumps court to allow the contents of the warrant to be released or not. But most of the GOP is not reasonable of course and many of them demanded the defunding of the FBI and impeaching Garland and maybe taking a dump in Garlands waste basket.

And then last night when the Washington Post reported that many of the documents Trump had finders keepers losers weepers control over contained TOP SECRET information about nuclear shit. Whaaaaa, he had TOP SECRET nuke  information at Mar A Lardo? What was he going to do with it? Sell it to Putin or the Saudis? That's the top guess since The Former Guy never does anything without calculating the profit to himself. This information caused such a ripple in GOP circles that for once they SHUT UP!! They fucking went silent? No more I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP from Congresswoman Cavedweller or Top ranking GOP pedophile Matt Gaetz. They stayed silent.

Migawd it was glorious.

And then after a night of spinning and falling down and spinning some more the GOP response is here. Hey uhhhh like the secrets arent  all that secret and you can like have them on your phone and INFLATION!!! BIDEN!!! TAXES!!! The golden oldies are back. CRT!!! 2020 RIOTS!!!! HILLARY!!!

Ok GOP. You go back to what you do best. LIE about simple economics because defending nuclear espionage is just a bridge too far for even this band of MAGAT Republican Ratfuckers. 

Or is it? Stay tuned.

PS-- The Rosenbergs may have been guilty or perhaps were set up. My readings over the years made me conclude Ethel was guilty and Julius was not but that's just my opinion man. But nonetheless they should not have been executed for what they did. Trump may or may not be guilty of espionage, he seems to be above all laws in his own mind. He's raising money off this and inspired yet another MAGA cult member to die in the line of duty. He needs to go to jail for something or better yet just drop over from the effects of a healthy diet

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