Thursday, August 4, 2022


 Kansas is like the downstairs neighbors who you've misjudged. You thought they were a family of clods with trashy tendencies and then all of a sudden they step up to show you nope it's YOU in the upstairs apartment with the trashy tendencies.

As you know a deep red state, man is it ever red, voted to tell the religious prigs, the misogynists and the gender traitors who want to tell women whats best for them to fuck off Tuesday. By a final vote of 59% to 41% the state of Kansas went all bluesy for a day and kept its state constitution intact which some say guaranteed a women's right to choose. The shock waves were reverberating all over the nation like a fracking earthquake does in South Kansas when Oklahoma, the trailer dwellers they are, blows up underground mines to extract gas. Kansas?

The no vote itself occurred because quite frankly, the voters turned out in huge numbers. The cities of Eastern Kansas, the Topekas and the Kansas Citys and the Wichitas and the Lawrences voted overwhelmingly no, so overwhelming that the huge numbers offset the rest of rural Kansas voting yes, ya know because of all the stupid billboards with the white Gerber baby staring at you urging you to save its life. Well nobody wouldn't save THAT baby's life since it looks 6 months old. It's the ugly fetuses that are the choice here. The cities crushed the pro life haters that permeate rural America. Period. Lesson learned Democrats?

So celebrate now folks. But this aint over by a long shot. This kind of vote in "real America" is optimistic but dont think the women hating pro lifers arent plotting the next move already. Kansas has elected Supreme Court justices, an absolutely horrid idea from the distant past. They are on the ballot in November and if the fascists win, whats to keep that Court from simply declaring Tuesdays vote invalid and allowing the GOP kooks in Topeka (who really effed this one up) to simply vote to outlaw abortion AND pass laws to make its women slaves to the state, forbidden from leaving the state to seek a legal treatment from another state. Bleeding Kansas be damned. The Fugitive Slave Act lives.

This is a real possibility if Kansas women and their male allies fall asleep in November. We already won this one is not necessarily true. It can be. But you have to vote.

PS== I see the cancer on America, Kris Kobach, the anti immigrant racist shitheel is back. Winning the GOP nomination for Attorney General of Kansas. This fuckin guy just wont go away. Enabled by that cringey MAGA cult of 35-40 % this pest is back again. Kansans were embarrassed by his presence 4 years ago and said no way do we want you in the Governors chair. Lets hope his herpes like pain is rejected again. We upstairs in Nebraska love the guy, well at least the Know Nothings and the white supremacists sure do. He authored an anti-affirmative action ballot initiative that passed and then he authored a different initiative to make it illegal to rent apartments or houses to Hispanic folks (presumed to be illegals)  in the city of Fremont, a giant packing plant with people. That also passed yet is virtually impossible to enforce since the Hispanics are the work force that keeps your Spam coming. Its also next to impossible to enforce because on the form you can simply check yes to whether you are a citizen and Barney Fife will say oh ok. But the racism is the fun! Right Kris Kobach? Right?

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