Friday, June 10, 2022

There Will Come A Day When Donald T**** Is Gone But Your Dishonor Will Remain!!

 Paying attention now? Well of course you are but what worries me is that many are not. And those people have probably gone to their corners already and nothing will change their minds.

The hearing was captivating. The tapes, the recordings, the story. Who could t have been captivated? Hearing Bill Barr call bullshit on the Big Lie, hearing Vanky say she believed Barr, seeing various flunkies of TFG calling his crap out. Amazing what people will say under threat of being jailed. The truth?

I have no love for any Cheneys. Dick was a war criminal running a shadow government bent on death and destruction. Liz was a soulless opportunist who stabbed her sister in the back by opposing gay marriage in order to have Wyoming wankers vote for her. But something happened to Liz Cheney in between voting to support the GOP's anti-regular people agenda . A fucking attempted coup. Cheney, who obviously despises the crazies who ginned up a gang of low intellect trash, couldnt wait tell a cover up artist like Gym Jordan the insurrection was his fucking doing. She was on board turning the United States into a right wing paradise legally but not on board with doing it via riots and treason. One of two Republicans who felt that way, the rest are cowards and nutless nincompoops, they were put on the 1/6 House Committee by Nancy Pelosi (Naaaaaancy). Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. One refused to run again rather than face the wrath of the weak minded base and the other is being primaried by a state party run by Q Anon nuts. She may even lose the primary due to her  putting country over party. The T**** Crime Syndicate is trying to make that happen and may succeed. But Liz Cheney has more integrity in her right wing thumb than the rest of the GOP cowards do collectively.

Cheney's opening statement was brilliant. Its very difficult for me to separate the atrocious voting record from the person but what do they say about the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well for now she's my BFF. I remember when the election was certified it was her and her evil Darth Vader father standing alone in the GOP section of the House applauding while the rest of the Republican chickenshits hid even better than they did when their voters tried to kill them.

The testimony from Capitol Police Office Caroline Edwards was compelled . You could see the PTSD returning to her as her eyes became even farther and farther away. The tape of her being assaulted by "tough guys " with beards and goats was disgusting. It pissed me off even more than when I'd seen it live. The 10 minute tape shot by the British filmmaker was raising your blood pressure tough to watch (proof of the utter stupidity of Proud Boys and the like inviting a documentarian to record their felonies). When the police officer screamed "We're fucked" it summed up the country on that day. When a gang of cultist brain dead cretins do what they are told by a narcissist cult leader it offends any normal person. Unfortunately they did not show my favorite moment of 1/6, when Ashli Babbitt failed to comply and fucked around and found out.

This was a planned coup. A coup plotted by a nutcase sociopath and his enablers. And that nutcase sociopath has to be held accountable along with his co conspirators. If they arent, we are done. I am already afraid that high gas prices and inflation will make too damn many Americans vote for fascism and white supremacy. Oh thats ok a little authoritarianism is a small price to pay for $3 gas and keeping those browns out of my neighborhood.

Meanwhile over on Right Wing TV the usual band of grifters carried on with their lies and bullshit, often with no commercials so no Fox viewer would change the channel (yeah sure like Fox viewers could figure out the remote within 2 minutes). The strategy of just saying the opposite of the truth is theirs. They used to maybe tell 25% of the truth and mislead their spaced out geriatric crowd. But now its a complete 180. Black is white, up is down, fascism is freedom, TV dinners are fine dining. The bullshit is stupefying. For fucks sake there are texts from Hannity and McEnaney decrying what T**** was doing but they just stay on track and lie knowing their hypnotized hellhound audience wont ever even attempt to find the truth . Rupert Murdoch is certainly on the list of Top 10 traitors of all time. 

I for one cannot wait for Monday morning. By the time these people are done, if Donald T**** still has support for running again, or is free for that matter, the coup makers and the trashy gang of vandals will have won.

To quote the cop......."We're fucked".

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