Monday, June 20, 2022

Dr Oz Celebrates Juneteenth! Sort Of!

 Dr Mehmet Oz, a New Jersey TV quack conning people for years, is ,for some reason, the choice of GOP voters in Pennsylvania to run for the US Senate, But then in this day and age of you know who, all that matters to most Republican voters is the ratings, and the wow I seen him on TV factor. Oz is the epitome' of all of that empty headed nonsense.

Doc Oz of New Jersey is probably nowhere near as MAGA as he pretends to be, but he is a TV con man so he can be whatever it is you want him to be. And apparently he has become what they want him to be, By they I mean MAGA GOP, the white nationalists who run the party who probably got a bit butthurt by Oz's tweet yesterday on Juneteenth.

"Our country is better because of our freedoms, our unity, and our equality"

Pretty pretty pretty nondescript for most normal people. But to MAGA GOP that whole equality shit is a bit too much. The white nationalists in charge of the Pennsylvania MAGA GOP may have called the good Doctor and said hey there, Fetterman is kicking your ass in the polls, lets go full on MAGA GOP and appeal to the middle of the state, and enough of that equality crap.

Thus Doc Oz deleted the first tweet and sent out the second, minus the equality part, sort of the whole reason for Juneteenth. I assume to appease the white supremacy gang.

Thats ok Dr Oz. We know Juneteenth is for "those people" and the "real" celebration is in a couple of weeks when white people get a day off, get hammered, shoot fireworks and act like assholes. 

2022 Murca! 

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