Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Roe V Wade!

 It was 1972. Stuck in the prison of a Catholic school and being taught propaganda I no longer believed in, the abortion issue was in full force. I was a member of the Young Democrats and trust me there were very few of us. We met to discuss the 1972 election as the mock election was coming and we were assigned to run the Democrats campaign. However, the majority of us voted to endorse Richard Nixon because, all together now, McGovern was in favor of abortion. So I ran the campaign for McGovern and like George the mock election was a landslide in Nixons favor and I never lived it down.  From then on I had no loyalty to anyone at that school and couldn't wait to leave.

Then came January of 1973 and Roe V Wade was decided and abortion was no longer something done in back alleys, butcher shops, strip malls or for rich women, a flight to Puerto Rico. The school went nuts. Math Teachers railed against the ruling. Anti abortion literature sat on teachers desks. Religion class was almost exclusively about it. Other teachers started debates. I was virtually alone is supporting abortion rights. A couple of younger teachers came to my defense as I was scourged by future Federalist freaks.

I may have been in the minority there but I knew I was in the real majority outside of Catholic propaganda factories. College came and I found my peeps. 

A lot of years have passed since then. I've worked with a lot of women over the years. I prefer their company to be honest. And now at damn near retirement age, I am not sure I know any women who haven't been either sexually assaulted or had abortions. Their stories are told to me because they know my nature. I'm not telling anybody and I don't judge. I can keep a secret and know how to listen. And never did I really think toothpaste could be put back in the tube until last night.

 A bogus Supreme Court full of illegitimate people appointed by men who got fewer votes than their opponents. What other country on earth would allow this? Well authoritarians and thumb breakers would make it happen but not here. Oh wait.

I used to think that women would never let this happen. They would vote in droves to keep out the old white men and their gender traitor collaborators out of office. Didnt happen. Well at least white women didnt let it happen. They still voted for that Orange Fuckweasel by 56-44. I guess racism is one helluva drug.

While most of us normal folk are outraged or concerned about the fact Roe V Wade will soon be overturned, Fox News and its white male panels were diverting attention from its mostly elderly weak minded audience by raging about the leak and the left. The left did this, throw em in jail blah blah blah while not discussing the issue itself. The rest of the country ignored the legal geeks and their fainting couch concern about precedent. Fuck that. The court isnt sacred, it hasn't been ever. Its a band of political hacks concerned with preserving white supremacy while throwing a bone now and then to the minorities. Now with the recent granting of rights to the LGBTQ community and crawling out from under the rock resurgence of bigots and con men, the Supreme Court is after all of you. A religious fanatic like Samuel Alito comes right out and says it.

Women first, then the gays, then the interracial marriages, then the criminal rights, then birth control and who knows how far back this band of beer enthusiasts, handmaidens, corporate fascists and professional Catholics will take us. Hell they might think that whole Brown V Board was a little bit too much progress for the nation. Chrissakes they may think Plessy V Ferguson was too shocking for train riders.

This can be stopped. By fucking voting in November.

If this political party of patriarchal cowards gets power, its over. There will be nationwide bans proposed on abortion, gay marriage, gay sex, integration, interracial marriage, and sanity. 

If you think that evil fuck McConnell would hesitate for one second to nuke the filibuster you're out of your mind. Yeah Biden would veto, but if the Republicans win also in 2024, its really over. 

Hail Not Freedonia. Hail Gilead! Hail Republistan! Hail JesusLand!

Its dire. It scares the shit out of me. 

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